Think I found a job before my unemployment even kicked in.


New member
That sucks. Bar backing and security when they have surf night. 18 and over with tons of hotties. They have surf parties all the time for big clothing companies,award ceremonies, Reggae Bands, so this is a blessing if I can schedule to meet the asst GM and give him my Resume.

Only working Part Time I hope cause I know in 3 nights I can do well enough to make it. Thank you Jesus! A gram a week it is for sure now if i will be bouncing and running the door. I need to gain weight and one of the supps I'm on is fucking with my appetite.
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you can still get your unemployment with a part time don't have to even claim it up to a certain dollar amount.......i'm not sure what the hour or income requirement is though
you can still get your unemployment with a part time don't have to even claim it up to a certain dollar amount.......i'm not sure what the hour or income requirement is though
I know he prefers under the table already cause my boy from brazil was working there.
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Ok got an email from a 5 star resort just now and have an interview in the morning. No unemployment for me if this keeps up. Oh well, I'd rather be working, actually lifting weights, but that's coming soon enough.
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Thanks a lot!
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