
[h=3]They all look pretty damn good! They all take dedication and motivation[/h][h=3][/h]
[h=3]What’s the Difference? Women’s Bodybuilding, Figure and Bikini[/h][TABLE="width: 100%, align: center"]
[TD]Physical Condition:
[TD]Physical Condition:
[TD]Physical Condition:
[TD]– Well defined muscles with visible muscle fibers and veins- Very low body fat
[TD]– Well-shaped muscles without excessive size or definition- Lean and smooth- Low body fat
[TD]– Evident muscle tone without visible muscle definition- Lean but with some softness; feminine; a “beach body”- Lower than average body fat, but not too low
[TD]– Wears two-piece posing suit in a solid color- Bare feet- Hair and make-up not distracting- Uses tanning lotions or gels
[TD]– Wears a two-piece posing suit that may be colorful and adorned with rhinestones and other glitter or sparkle- Wears high heels- Full make-up and styled hair- Jewelry allowed, but should not be distracting
– Uses tanning lotions or gels
[TD]– Wears a two-piece posing suit that may be colorful and adorned with rhinestones and other glitter or sparkle- Wears high heels- Full make-up and styled hair- Jewelry allowed, but should not be distracting
– Uses tanning lotions or gels
[TD]– Classes by Weight and Age:
· Women’s Novice Division
· Women’s Masters Division (35+ yrs old)
· Women’s Lightweight (under 112 ¼ lbs)
· Women’s Middleweight (112 ¼ – 122 ¼ lbs)
· Women’s Heavyweight (over 122 ¼ lbs)
· Mixed Pairs
· Women’s Pro
– Competitors, on stage together, complete a series of mandatory poses.
– Top 5 competitors will complete a 60 second posing routine to music of their choice. Music must be provided on CD and appropriate for an audience that includes children.
[TD]– Classes by Height and Age:
· Figure Short
· Figure Middle
· Figure Tall
· Figure Masters (35+ years old)
· Figure Pro
(Height divisions are determined by the number of competitors.)
– Competitors do a Model Walk onto the stage one at a time.
– They then stand along the back wall and will be asked to make some turns once all competitors are on stage.
[TD]– Classes by Height:
· Bikini Short
· Bikini Tall
(Height divisions are determined by the number of competitors.)
– Competitors do a Model Walk onto the stage one at a time.
– They then stand along the back wall and will be asked to make some turns once all competitors are on stage.
[TD]Judging Criteria:
[TD]Judging Criteria:
[TD]Judging Criteria:
[TD]1. Muscle Size and Shape2. Muscle Definition and Separation3. Symmetry and Proportion4. Stage Presence
[TD]1. Muscular Definition2. Symmetry and Proportion3. Stage Presence
[TD]1. Stage Presence2. Symmetry and Proportion3. Muscular Definition