yet another "spread the word thread"


Staff member
as all of u can see our site has changed a great deal by way of layout,and also by way of more traffic, please spread the word to others about our great board. thank you
Yes! More member= more knowledge! Which is better for the board. An easy way to spread the word is to get a MC mail address and put it on your signature on other boards. Everytime you post somewhere else they see your name and musclechemistry. Good ad for the board!
Also, if you can think of someone who will benefit from the new natural transformations forum, be sure and let them know about it!
Will do, 2 signed up from a post I made on FG last week, now if I could only get them to start posting.
IB if you want a MC email address, pm Presser, tell him the username you want, and the email address you want it to forward to.