
New member
just wondering...... the T3 that cyber solutions is selling is testosterone 300 right? Also does anyone know which form of test and how much of each is in it??

Choke writes - please PM a mod bro.
Get ready to due some reading 16 pages came up when i hit the
search button and searched T3 alot of good info please read.
im not completely new to the world of gear. im just not familiar with cybersolutions and there were no pics so i was just being sure....... glad you got a good laugh
bro we do not allow any one to sell anything illegal on this site, thats all , no hard feelings but i got a good chuckly as well
Also there is no such thing a dumb question here, im glad u asked, id bet alot of folks might have thought that same thing
Chemical Evolution said:
sorry Harv but if he's gonna find anything on it he needs it spelled correctly! ;)

T3 = Cytomel

thanks bro I was in dislectic (sp?) mode last night.