

New member
I started my cycle today consisting of:

dbol 35 mg/day for 5 weeks
deca 400 mg/week for 10 weeks
test e 500 mg/week for 10 weeks

Ive got some extra money sitting around and I would like to add something to the end of the cycle. Since this cycle should bulk me up, Im thinking about something that will harden my muscles. Any suggestions?
whats your cycle experiance look like? somethingWhat have you used before? You dont need anything else with this cycle but if you are going to get something I would say Winny or IGF-1would work nicely. Id prefer the IGF-1.
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This is my second cycle. Last summer I did a cycle of sust and deca. A friend of mine told me that test prop would be nice for the end of the cycle.
test prop is not strictly speaking a hardening as. I think the igf during the pct would be a good idea. I have seen others suggest winny during last 3 weeks of such a cycle to reduce water retention but that to me seems to not really be taking advantage of what it offers. Also it has been stated that winny can make your tendons subject to injury.
One thing that is helpful with prop at the end of a cycle is this. Test enth has a long half life (10.5 days) compared to test prop (4.5 days). Given the short half life of the test prop it can help you to move into your clomid therapy after a cycle faster -- thus minimizing impact from HPTA suppression. When this is done the usual practice is to switch from the test e to the prop about 3 weeks prior to the end of the cycle.
I would add winni to the end of the cycle.......But, have you made any thought to your PCT?

I would agree with England on this. I think you should add some winny also. It will decrease some of the bloat and add hard lean muscle. It seems to be very a popular method for gain keeping, I have used winny at the end of allmost every cycle I have done,with great results.
You might try a few weeks of Anavar 60mg ED at the end. Pricey, but will help retain strength and mass while lowering overall androgen levels before PCT starts. And it's good for your joints/tendons.
floridaboy12 said:
I decided to add the winny to the end of the cycle. How many mgs a day should I take?

Are you using tabs or depot? When I first used winny I used tabs at 25mg ED, although I think you'd be ok at 50mg ED oral or injectable.

If oral, split your dose up morning and night.