Creatine effects on creatinine levels on blood test


Anyone hear or know effects of creatine supplementation and effects on creatinine readings on a blood draw test? For example if levels will read higher than normal range after a workout? My levels have been higher than normal and my Dr sent me to kidney Dr. due to elevated 1.8 levels and I was advised to cease the creatine. Any creatine better than others such as a buffered type as supplement co. states?
I have no clue bro, but I'll bump this up for you in hopes of someone else having an answer
Anyone hear or know effects of creatine supplementation and effects on creatinine readings on a blood draw test? For example if levels will read higher than normal range after a workout? My levels have been higher than normal and my Dr sent me to kidney Dr. due to elevated 1.8 levels and I was advised to cease the creatine. Any creatine better than others such as a buffered type as supplement co. states?

Yes, Creatine will cause a false positive or elevated creatinine level on a blood test. It is not harmful but will alarm your doctor. If you go off, they will return to normal. The elevated reading is nothing to be alarmed about it is not hurting you.
Thanks for the help.. Frickrn Drs should be up on their sports supps in regards to testing of false positives..or at least go online in another room to get answers while you are at the appointment! Any thots on type of creatine that's most effective or all types the same ?