Developing a bicep peak


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Developing a bicep peak is much easier said than done, but it is possible. Someone who is natural will have to approach their training a little more intelligently than a trainee who is on steroids, if they want to accomplish that goal. There are a few things that need to be done in order to "Wow!" people with your mountainous biceps.<!-- begin below paragraph 1 --><!-- end below paragraph 1 -->

This one may sound like a joke, but it's not. I'm actually very serious about this particular point. If you don't gain weight in general, and more specifically lean muscle weight, then how do you expect your biceps to get any bigger. As your body grows, your biceps will also grow. The results will be attributed to genetics as well as consistent weight training. What I mean by this is that the training you put into your biceps contributes to their development, but the peak will only come when they get to a certain size. For example, one guy might be blessed with a great biceps peak when weighing in at only 150 pounds, while another guy of the same height might develop his biceps peak at a weight of 220 pounds. It's important to know that anyone has the potential to have a mountainous double-peak. As you gain size, it will develop. I only started developing mine once I reached about 205 pounds. And even then, when I flexed my biceps, I had to put a lot of effort into fully contracting the muscles to really see it.

This one isn't a joke either. You definitely notice the bicep muscles more when you're leaner. The shape of the muscles are not visible when covered in fat. That's why a bodybuilder's body looks considerably different the day of competition compared to in the off-season. It's hard to tell what someone will look like when they strip themselves of the fat. A person may have incredible lines, like an Arnold Schwarzenegger, and never even know it. And you know what kind of bicep peak Arnold had... He was actually quite famous for it. So before you negatively judge yourself, consider getting in shape and maybe putting 'massing up' on hold for a while. If you weigh 200 pounds or more, I think it may be time for you to lean down a little. You can always focus on gaining more size later. Even if you lean down to about 175 pounds, you may find yourself looking bigger than you were before, and to your surprise undercover a great bicep peak.

When someone asks me how they could develop a bicep peak, I ask them what exercises they are currently performing for their biceps. 'Concentration Curl Exercises' are crucial to developing that mountainous double-peak in the biceps. There are several exercises that fall into this category. The one most people immediately think of is seated one-arm dumbbell 'concentration curl'... but there are others. I could explain to you what they look like, but I think that videos are more appropriate. Here are two examples of 'Concentration Curl Exercises'. For your convenience I've also added the commonly-performed (and awesome) seated one-arm dumbbell 'concentration curl'. Note: Integrate only one of the following into your weekly bicep workout...