Behind the neck lat pulldowns


MuscleChemistry member
Anybody do these. I know the get a bad rap, But i like to do them. I think about hitting a rear double bicep pose every rep with them.
Not a fan of them at all. Never felt rt to me and always put a lot of pressure in my rotator cuffs but if it feels good to you that is all that matters.
I'll do them on occasion, but I have to make sure my form is perfect because they scare me since I've had shoulder problems in the past so I never go heavy
love them. i sit facing the opposite direction with nothing to hold me down. this allows me to focus solely on form...i also do them in the rack like rack chins, just go behind the neck...
some people can do them some people cant .. it all comes down to felxibility.

I do them only on a lighter weight as i know if i stack the weight i tend to strain my neck.