HRT for Human Growth Hormone HGH


Has anyone gotten prescribed GH for anti ageing reasons?
I know there used to be alot of "clinics" in South Florida that did HRT but not sure if they did GH as well.
As far as I know, alot of clinics will do hgh for HRT...but insurance really dont cover much if any of the bill. So your paying the pharmacy price of hgh, which is very high (i guess). So alot of them do seromolin (I think?) and other peptides.
I have. I posted on here before. My dr had me stay up all night no sleep and come in and do blood test. Had low gh so that made it legal for her toscrib. Was the dial up pins and was 600$ a pin. I can get cheaper now with scrip cause i know a rx guy that does his own compounding. Bout 500 a pin. Still tuff for me so haven't done it in long time. But I love hgh. Rips fat off of me.
Damn thats some money
Yea. It's stiff. But I never wanted to buy HGh black market With roids pretty easy to tell after three weeks if you got gtg gear. But G takes so long to see the results and you have to fork out so much $ at one time to buy G on black market I spend 1800 for 4 month legit supply or 1200 for BM stuff It's worth the extra to me. To easy to cut G with HCG. How bout you. You buy BM or script on your G
I can tell in just a week or two from my hands tingling numb, and i would love to try some good prescribed HGH though!

And i know out by me, you can get HGH prescribed by plastic surgeon, if you find a good gyno dr or implant dr, chances are he will prescribe you hgh!
I should open a compounding pharmacy. Ive toyed with the idea several times but the Pharmacuetical compaines are always getting the lobbyist to make congress place laws on componding pharmacies to make it tougher. Its turned into a monopoly. Basically the current law says that a compound pharm can not manufacture anything that is commercialy available. Its getting worse. Im still thinking about it though.
I should open a compounding pharmacy. Ive toyed with the idea several times but the Pharmacuetical compaines are always getting the lobbyist to make congress place laws on componding pharmacies to make it tougher. Its turned into a monopoly. Basically the current law says that a compound pharm can not manufacture anything that is commercialy available. Its getting worse. Im still thinking about it though.

I have friends and that business and it's very lucrative for them, they make all kinds of stuff. they even do vet meds.
I should open a compounding pharmacy. Ive toyed with the idea several times but the Pharmacuetical compaines are always getting the lobbyist to make congress place laws on componding pharmacies to make it tougher. Its turned into a monopoly. Basically the current law says that a compound pharm can not manufacture anything that is commercialy available. Its getting worse. Im still thinking about it though.

and I dont think they are allowed to ship out of state,lol, so there goes you hooking us all up! lol
I am on it as well- it is $300 for a kit- with a min buy of 6 kits but as noted above, not covered by insurance.
its hard to get a rx for it...I know the guy I get mine from has a few doctors he also helps...I think even for Dr to get their hands on it rasies a huge red flag....or probably safer to just purchase black market....I know a guy who does get a rx for it but his insurance doesnt cover it...and it cost him $500 for 100 iu's.
Wish i could get a script also, I believe the trick around me is for the aids clinic guys people sell there. At least thats what i here.