Switched from adex to aromasin and WOW.


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
In the past I've always used adex as my ai for blasting and cruising. Got my doses dialed in with blood work and so on. Even so, I still never felt dialed in. I played around with my e2...letting it get slightly elevated which made me moody, then let it get slightly on the low side which made me apathetic and kind of mean to be honest. So I just kept it mid range for the last year or so. My e2 (non sensitive) was always in the 40's and my sensitive assay was always in the mid 20's. I had it down to a science. For some reason I always felt agitated and a bit anxious. My bp was constantly elevated, I kept getting horrible cystic acne, and felt somewhat depressed. This was ALL THE TIME. It wasn't debilitating, but I knew I could feel better.

So this current cycle (750mg test E / 750mg deca per week) I was running .5mg adex ED. Kept my e2 in its usual spot. Still just couldn't figure out what was making me feel off.

Fast forward to 3 weeks ago. Made the switch over to aromasin. Figured 20mg/day would equal my adex dose of .5mg/day. Bloods next week will confirm.

ANYWAYS, within a few days I was getting feelings of euphoria. I woke up with a positive attitude for once. It was like I was seeing life in a whole new light. My bp dropped 10 points on both diastolic and systolic, and now 3 weeks later my acne had reduced probably 75%.

Just goes to show that sometimes the drug itself can have an effect on the way you feel. It may not be e2 related in some cases. If you haven't given aromasin a try and you are struggling to get dialed in. Maybe give it a shot. I can't believe I went years feeling like that when I could have felt like this the whole time.
aromasin gave you euphoria, I've officially heard the sales pitch of the year lmao
aromasin gave you euphoria, I've officially heard the sales pitch of the year lmao
​Well when you've been feeling off for the last few years, I suppose any good feeling would feel euphoric. It just gave me a little pep in my step and a feeling of calmness and tranquility that I'm not used to.
Of all the AI, Aromasin is my fav, cool thing is you can actually start lowering your dose, as it sticks around and keeps activily working, has a like stacking effect, It will knock out 80-90% of the estrogen in 3 days. Plus it has little effect on lipid levels as where the other will increase them.
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Of all the AI, Aromasin is my fav, cool thing is you can actually start lowering your dose, as it sticks around and keeps activily working, has a like stacking effect, It will knock out 80-90% of the estrogen in 3 days. Plus it has little effect on lipid levels as where the other will increase them.
I will certainly check my lipids after using this for a while to see if it has any effects on it.
your not back to tell us the aromasin put 30 pounds of muscle on ya on top of the ecstasy like benefits are ya? lmao or did it make your bald hair grow back in? maybe your grandma who's been wheelchair bound all her life is now walking after you accidentally spilled some aromasin on her ? lmao

i crack me up!!! lol

al in god fun daddio! and yes you would feel much much better if you were feeling off the last few years and finally found the answer in maybe your e was out of whack, so again, all in good fun, and your snake oil stories are safe here lmao
your not back to tell us the aromasin put 30 pounds of muscle on ya on top of the ecstasy like benefits are ya? lmao or did it make your bald hair grow back in? maybe your grandma who's been wheelchair bound all her life is now walking after you accidentally spilled some aromasin on her ? lmao

i crack me up!!! lol

al in god fun daddio! and yes you would feel much much better if you were feeling off the last few years and finally found the answer in maybe your e was out of whack, so again, all in good fun, and your snake oil stories are safe here lmao
Well I kept close track of my e2 on adex and even played around with higher and lower levels. My guess is just the drug interaction itself causing the side effects.

***On another note, aromasin also seemed to increase penis length by 1.5 inches ;) You heard it here folks.
Shit I'll take ten bottles if that's the case !! That 1.5 inches will put me over the top at a whopping 4 inches hard!
I highly doubt that it was the drug itself that caused the mood change as a side effect. More than likely, it was because of the reduction of estrogen. When you use nolvadex, arimidex, or letrozole, the estrogen is blocked from receptors or estrogen conversion is limited, but the body tries to convert harder as an effect so you get an estrogen rebound. Plus arimidex will only block estrogen by a limited amount. Aromasin blocks the conversion by mangling (bonding to it) the aromatase enzyme in such a way that it can't be undone so no estrogen is converted in the first place thereby reducing total estrogen, and no estrogen rebound.

I started using aromasin for the first time myself a few weeks ago. All the remainder of the stubborn acne cleared up, and I feel much better. That means there is no estrogen to foul up my mood or cause any other side effects.
I highly doubt that it was the drug itself that caused the mood change as a side effect. More than likely, it was because of the reduction of estrogen. When you use nolvadex, arimidex, or letrozole, the estrogen is blocked from receptors or estrogen conversion is limited, but the body tries to convert harder as an effect so you get an estrogen rebound. Plus arimidex will only block estrogen by a limited amount. Aromasin blocks the conversion by mangling (bonding to it) the aromatase enzyme in such a way that it can't be undone so no estrogen is converted in the first place thereby reducing total estrogen, and no estrogen rebound.

I started using aromasin for the first time myself a few weeks ago. All the remainder of the stubborn acne cleared up, and I feel much better. That means there is no estrogen to foul up my mood or cause any other side effects.

I'm pretty sure thats what he meant to begin with, and i was just busting his chops, as i like to do now and then, or again, again lol
If you ever stopped doing it, Presser, I would assume you have been replaced by either a Pod Person or a cop!
lmao, well lets hope if it ever does happen, that its a pod person and not a cop lmao.

And i don't even know what the fuck a pod person is, but its gotta be better than a cop taking my place lmao