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What are the side effects of estrogen on men?
Recent studies have shown that estrogen causes prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men. At the same time, laboratory evidence suggests that estrogen and prolactin can cause cancer cell proliferation. And mosiphene, a class of drugs, is often used for related treatments (usually female breast cancer). I often see people saying that aromatase inhibitors are not needed in C. I always ask myself why not. Just because you haven’t had a bitch’s milk yet? When you have bitch milk, water storage and acne reactions, your estrogen levels are already high and you don’t know where. A daily dose of Exemestane keeps most people’s estrogen levels at 50 pg/ml during C. It works for me, and I’m very sensitive to estrogen.
Some people say that the use of aromatase inhibitors will limit muscle growth, but what is the actual situation? Aromatase inhibitors had a weak effect on insulin-like growth factor IGF-1, while exemestane had no effect at all. At the same time, we need to know that exogenous testosterone and other anabolic steroids increase the secretion of insulin-like growth factor IGF-1, which makes the side effects of aromatase inhibitors have little effect. In the study, nine adult males took 2.5 mg of flon 28 days a day, and insulin-like growth factor secretion decreased by 15%, leptin by 24%, and LDL cholesterol by 14%.
The side effects of exemestane on cholesterol are actually smaller than those of most aromatase inhibitors, but there is no positive effect of selective hormone-regulated receptors on cholesterol levels. In general, due to the body’s long reflex mechanism, it is very important to control the level of estrogen and prolactin during C. Especially when you use 19Nor steroids, it’s critical to prepare aromatase inhibitors, and I’ll prepare D2 stimulants just in case.
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