Advices Stories, Eating disorder


Stage Pro

Advices Radio: Stories Edition - Eating Disorders. If you're involved in bodybuilding, chances are you've experienced a post-show binge, or have had to fight the desire to remain stage lean, or maybe you shy away from social events centered on food

Advices Radio: Stories Edition - Eating Disorders. If you're involved in bodybuilding, chances are you've experienced a post-show binge, or have had to fight the desire to remain stage lean, or maybe you shy away from social events centered on food. In this Advices Radio: Stories Edition, hosts Andrea Watson and Scott McNally explore the fine line that many of us walk between dedicated competitor and disordered eating through interviews with Heather Petrazko, Nate Tebow, and Brett Bauer.

Visit Brett Bauer :

Plus Facebook and IG @brettbauerfittv

Visit Nate Tebow :

Plus Facebook and IG @nate_tebow

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