Blood Sweat & Gear, Episode 17


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Blood Sweat & Gear Bodybuilding Podcast 17. Skip Hill, S2H and Scott McNally are on the mic, answering listener questions. Lechitin for massive porn star loads? Short cycles of high dosed deca? Thoughts on increasing energy output in order to keep food intake high...

Blood Sweat & Gear Bodybuilding Podcast 17. Skip Hill, S2H and Scott McNally are on the mic, answering listener questions. Lechitin for massive porn star loads? Short cycles of high dosed deca? Thoughts on increasing energy output in order to keep food intake high. Is it possible to grow muscle while losing fat? What is the most important lab work to get and when? How would you dose Aromasin when switching from Arimidex for estrogen control while on HRT? All of this plus S2H ploys to take Skip’s cats out “Eye for an eye”, S2H says! Submit your questions for the next show at the BSG thread in the Advices Forums.

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