Best SARMs for MMA

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Having the edge in any sport is going to be beneficial. In fact, there is some evidence to show that even the Ancient Greeks used herbs and animal parts to get an edge in the Olympics of yesteryear. Roman Gladiators used hallucinogens to try fight fatigue and injury. If there is one type of athlete that would represent Gladiators in the current world, it’s MMA athletes. Power, intensity, grit, all things that perfectly describe these athletes. Having that edge of a SARM could massively impact your career, so let’s look at the best SARMs for MMA.

TL; DR: What are the Best SARMs for MMA? What are SARMs? SARMs are known as Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, and were originally designed to replace Anabolic Steroids in the medical world. Steroids are used to help patients who suffer from muscle loss, or anemia. For instance, Anadrol is still being provided to individuals who suffer from HIV/AIDS, they suffer from muscle loss and some A-Bombs sets them right back.

Unfortunately, adding Anadrol to your life brings just the loveliest side effects such as high blood pressure. Plus, Steroids bind with all the Androgen receptors in your body. Thus, SARMs were designed to replace Steroids by getting the same Androgenic (Muscle Building) effects, but having fewer sides.

SARMs also bind to Androgen receptors within the body, however as the name suggests, they are selective in their nature. This means they bind to the receptors within the muscle and bones, but refrain from binding to the receptors of the other parts of the body, such as the Prostate.

How do SARMs work? SARMs act very similarly to Steroids, by binding to Androgen receptors. This androgen-receptor combination then binds to the DNA, which then could cause muscle gain or bodily changes in that particular area. Usually, when this process takes place with Testosterone (or other Steroids), any and all Androgen are fair game. This is where the problem comes in, as we don’t particularly want the Androgen receptors in the prostate or the reproductive system to be activated.

SARMs will provide similar benefits to Steroids (I’ll get into those later) but without any of the normal side effects we associate with Androgenic Hormones. We don’t expect to see hair loss, prostate growth, testicular shutdown, or body hair growth.

Benefits of SARMs for MMA Obviously, having a greater amount of muscle mass and less fat mass will turn you into an absolute monster in the cage. To get the best out of the SARMs for MMA, we need to look at the offerings that are going to allow us to grow the most amount of lean tissue without causing massive side effects.

Muscular Hypertrophy SARMs can force a DNA change in muscle tissue that results in muscular hypertrophy. Some people claim to gain 5 -7 lbs in only a few weeks, and the way SARMs do this by increasing muscle protein synthesis. This will also allow you to run fewer calories when dieting, as muscle retention will be greater.

Fat Loss SARMs will cause an increase of Basal Metabolic Rate, which will massively increase the amount of calories needed to just stay alive. Furthermore, the process of synthesising proteins will require energy, and since SARMs increase muscle protein synthesis, you’ll naturally burn more calories. Having less body fat will make you significantly faster in the cage.

Improved Recovery A big part of training for a fighting sport, is massive amounts of training. You need to train for skill, performance as well as endurance. Recovery is of upmost importance, and SARMs have been shown to help with shortening recovery periods between training sessions.

Improved Strength This is not a surprise, as we have an increase in muscle amount, we usually see a corresponding increase in strength as well. Supposable, some SARMs can increase the amount of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) in the blood. This increases the available Dihydrogen Testosterone in the blood. Studies have shown that DHT, and not Testosterone, is better for force production.

What are the Best SARMs for MMA? There are a massive variety or SARMs, some are better for fat loss, whilst some are better for muscle gain. That being said, for MMA the prime goals are going to be lean mass, cutting body fat as well as increasing strength dramatically.

#1 SARM for MMALigandrol – LGD 4033Ligandrol 4033 (LGD 4033) is an extremely popular SARM, especially amongst lean and powerful athletes. It has powerful muscle building effects, and has been tested to show that it could potentially be a good treatment for osteoporosis and fractures, which would make it perfect for MMA. It also is a powerful fat loss agent.

Ligandrol has been shown to increase endurance. It can increase recovery. It can increase sex drive. It can increase your credit score. Ok maybe it can’t do that last one but it can do all the rest.

Originally formulated by Ligand Pharmaceuticals, it has now found popularity amongst men and women who rave about the muscle building, fat loss, and endurance effects.

Available at various retailers online such as Rats Army.

Read full Ligandrol Review

[*]Can increase muscle mass[*]Can increase strength[*]Some evidence shows that it can aid in recovery after training[*]Could also help a lot with fat loss[/list][*]Ligandrol has little side effects, though some anecdotal evidence reports nausea, fatigue, headaches, and low libido.[/list] #2 SARM for MMAYK-11 (Myostine)YK-11, as shown here from Rats Army, is what’s known as a Myostatin Inhibitor. Myostatin is a protein in the body that stops muscle growth. YK-11 also acts very similar to Testosterone, so you can expect to see massive increases in lean body mass.

Some evidence also shows that YK-11 can strengthen bones as it increases Protein Kinase B levels, all of these will benefit a MMA athlete.

Available at various retailers online such as Rats Army.

Read full Myostine Review

[*]Because of the mechanism in which YK-11 works, it can be beneficial in a cut and a bulk.[*]Can significantly increase strength and muscle growth.[*]Could also increase bone density.[/list][*]Anecdotal evidence shows hair loss, and acne while using YK-11.[*]Increased aggression.[*]Decreased sex drive.[/list] #3 SARM for MMAAndarine S4Andarine S4 is one of the best SARMs you could benefit from as a MMA fighter. It has been shown to increase recovery, muscle retention, and massively increase fat loss. These are all going to benefit your training leading up to a fight.

Andarine was originally developed as a method to manage muscle loss due to disease. It’s action is much like that of Testosterone, just without the negative side effects. Andarine can increase muscle mass, and bone density; and as a nice bonus induces fat loss by decreasing lipoprotein lipase (LPL) levels in the body.

Andarine is thus a good SARM by not only limiting use to muscle building phases, but can also be used to aid a fat loss phase by helping the retention of muscle and increasing fat loss capabilities.

Available at various retailers online such as Rats Army.

Read full Andarine Review

[*]Increase in muscle building capabilities.[*]Can increase fat loss capabilities by decreasing lipoprotein lipase (LPL).[*]Anecdotal evidence indicates that Andarine can potentially increase recovery time significantly.[/list][*]Yellow vision has been known to plague users of Andarine at doses of 50mg or higher.[*]Sensitivity to light, and difficulty adjusting to the dark.[/list] #4 SARM for MMAOstarine MK 2866Scary name, exhilarating results. Ostarine MK 2866 is your standard, run of the mill SARM. With less affinity to the androgen receptors that can cause problems, this SARM can significantly increase muscle mass, decrease fat mass as well as boosting performance.

Ostarine also has reputation for being quite good for vascularity, which is going to be great for cardio purposes! More blood means more oxygen.

Available at various retailers online such as Rats Army.

Read full Ostarine Review

[*]Ostarine can increase muscle building potential, without minimal testosterone suppressive sides.[*]Ostarine could have potential fat loss effects, combined with a caloric deficit.[*]Ostarine (at a low dose) seems to be safe for females.[/list][*]Ostarine has been known to have little to no side effects. At higher doses, anecdotal evidence has been found to cause nausea, heartburn, diarrhea and stomach pain.[/list] #5 SARM for MMATestolone Rad 140Rad 140 is a SARM that should be used when you’re looking to increase muscle size, and yes you won’t necessarily hold a tone of water, but it won’t be as dry as others on this list. This SARM is for those who are looking to maybe jump a weight class, or really bulk up.

Available at various retailers online such as Rats Army.

Read full Testolone Review

[*]Reduces fat and increases muscle mass[*]Improves muscle recovery[*]Increases vascularity[/list][*]Suppresses testosterone[*]May cause hair loss[*]Liver toxicity[/list] Side Effects of SARMs SARMs will have side effects. This is to be expected, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. You probably can’t have cake period because you have a weight cap! The side effects can be individual to certain SARMs, but there are a few we see very often.

Possible Liver Damage Because most SARMs are taken orally, they need to go via the first pass metabolism. The liver will metabolise these compounds, which is liver toxic. Continual hammering of orals will take a toll on the liver, and some studies have shown that SARMs can be liver toxic; usually dose dependant.

Testosterone Suppression Yup, even though SARMs are thenically not hormones, certain SARMs like S23 can shut down your natural LH and FSH levels (Luteinizing hormone and Follicle-stimulating hormone respectively). This will lead to lower Testosterone post cycle.

Cholesterol Side Effects It makes total sense that since exogenous Testosterone raise cholesterol, that SARMs could potentially do it as well. And it does. While some SARMs can decrease the bad cholesterol, most SARMs will increase cholesterol.

Are SARMs Legal? If you compete in a sport that is WADA (World Anti-Doping Association), then yes. It is banned by WADA. Furthermore, SARMs can only be sold as Research Chemicals, and not for human consumption.

Conclusion SARMs for MMA is something that can massively be utilized, as they can increase strength, decrease fat and massively improve recovery periods as well. The legality of them is something that you need to think about very carefully. Otherwise, as long as you manage the side effects, they can can definitely help your MMA career.

FAQs Does the UFC test for Steroids? Yes, the UFC is a tested sport.

Are SARMs Safe? Relatively speaking, yes. But that really depends on a massive amount of variables, such as genetics, diet, training, and so many more. Do a tonne of research before using, and have your bloods checked. So to use SARMs for MMA, you’ll have to keep your finger on your health at all times.

How long do SARMs stay in your system? The answer is chemical determined. It depends on what SARM. Typically, 10 – 14 days but it depends. Some SARMs stay in your blood for longer. A great example is that the Steroid NPP stays in your system for 18 months.

Do SARMs affect your balls? If you choose to use a SARM that shuts down your Testosterone production, yes it could absolutely affect your testicles.

Best Steroid Stacks for Sale We've scoured the web for our favorite steroid stack alternatives and came up with this.Crazy Bulk has the bulking stack with alternatives to Dianabol, Trenbolone, Deca Durabolin and Testosterone.

They also have the cutting stack with alternatives to Anavar, Winstrol, Clenbuterol and Testosterone.

If you're interested in more potent compounds you can always check out the latest research on SARMs.

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