Drop Sets: How To, Benefits, Muscle Groups & Examples

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For serious strength gains or to overcome that pesky plateau haunting you at the gym, we have two words for you: Drop sets. This technique is beloved by bodybuilders and recreational gym-goers alike for one simple reason. It's extremely effective. Not for the faint of weight lifting heart, drop sets will push your muscles beyond the fatigue level achieved following a standard 3-set, 8-12 rep range format. Intrigued yet? You should be! The good news is we’re about to cover everything you need to know about this technique to enable you to push your workout to the next level.
This article will cover:

What drop sets are
The different drop set techniques
The benefits of performing drop sets
The best muscle groups for drop sets
Drop set workout examples
Drop set FAQs

After reading this, you'll have a clear idea of when and how to use drop sets to push your muscles to their limit.

The concept behind drop sets, also called descending sets, is training for muscular failure. The technique involves starting with a heavy weight, either following a specific number of reps at this weight or going to failure. Without resting, or with very minimal rest, you then drop the weight load and perform as many reps as possible. Studies focused on drop sets typically follow a protocol of starting at a heavyweight, 80% of 1RM is a good guideline, until failure, decreasing the weight by 15-25%, followed by another 15-25% decrease for the second drop set, meaning a total of 3 sets is complete. Another approach used in a drop set research program involved completing the first set at 80% 1RM until failure, followed by four drop sets at 65%, 50%, 40%, and 30% 1RM with no recovery breaks in between sets1.
The drop set training technique extends time under tension during sets, enhances the muscle’s metabolic stress, and increases motor unit fatigue. Drop sets are exhausting, helping to promote muscle hypertrophy, and are a time-efficient way to work out as the rest in between sets is nonexistent.
Take a look at this example of how to drop weight when performing a leg extension. This drop set includes repping out at 250, dropping the weight by 20%, followed by another 20% to failure:

Perform leg extensions at 250 pounds for as many reps as possible.
Once you hit failure, immediately reduce the weight to 200 pounds and once again continue to fail.
Decrease the weight to 160, continuing until failure.

There are several options when it comes to drop set techniques. There are advantages to each, so you may even want to play around with which brings you the best results.

The number of drop sets: You can incorporate several drop sets, performing as few as one drop set or as many as three to four. Another version, referred to as back off sets, involves performing your standard rep and set schedule, let’s say four sets of 8 reps, resting for 1-2 minutes, and then one drop set for as many reps as possible (AMRAP) using between 10 and 20% less weight.

Weight amount: You can also choose either a tight or a wide drop set, which involves a difference in the weight dropped. A tight drop set is when you aim to decrease the weight by a small amount between sets. It's more challenging as you’re repping out without significantly reducing the weight. The wide drop set involves a larger drop in weight between reps, which will get you a few more reps than the tight drop set. This strategy is great for targeting the larger muscle groups, such as the legs or back.

6-20 method: Following the 6-20 method, you will use a wide drop set that picks a very heavy weight followed by a much smaller weight. Begin with the heaviest weight you can manage for six reps, perform them, reduce the weight by 50% and continue for 20 reps.

Mechanical advantage model: There is also a mechanical advantage model where instead of dropping in weight, you can switch to an easier technique. Go all out in your first set, following the normal drop set protocol, and then for your next rep, change the exercise, lifting angle, grip change, stability level, or even the tempo to make it easier. It uses the same concept of pushing your muscles past their normal fatigue level. For example, following this method, you could perform a barbell back squat using a heavy weight, then immediately switch to a goblet squat with a medium weight, followed by as many bodyweight squats as possible.

Rest variation: How you approach rest can also vary. You can opt for the most challenging version when you take little to no rest in between sets. You can also do a brief pause to help with recovery, which can be anywhere from 5 to 20 seconds. We suggest capping out at 20 seconds as more rest will detract from the drop set technique.

Some exercises and equipment are better for drop sets, so this is not a functional technique for every movement. Loading up a barbell with plates, for example, will take way too long in between sets for this to be an effective drop set movement (although it can be done quickly if you have a workout partner).
The good news is that most equipment does work well, including dumbbells, fixed weight barbells, and selectorized gym equipment. Any equipment that enables you to lower weight quickly works well. When using dumbbells, select each level of weight you’re going to use, and set them up before starting the exercise. Again, if you have to walk across the gym to swap out weights, you won't get the full drop-set effect.
The principle behind drop set resistance training is to push the muscles to their absolute max. The more work put in is going to yield even greater results. Here are some advantages to the technique.
1) Maximize muscle growth: Weight lifting plateaus are frustrating and, for many lifters, something that is unfortunately experienced at some point. But if you want to push through one, drop sets may be just the trick. A study examined triceps training in 16 men, half of which performed drop sets, and the other followed a traditional program of 3 sets of 12 reps with 90 seconds of rest. The drop set group performed 1 set of 12 reps and included two drop sets for each exercise. After six weeks, guess which triceps had almost double the growth in muscle size? You got it - the drop set lifters2. They have the potential for superior muscle gains.
2) Saves time: One study examining the effects of drop sets reported that lifters using the technique spent less than half the time in the gym than those who followed a normal rep and set regimen3. Separate research reviewed three groups performing the bicep curl following different regimens over three weeks. All three groups had similar muscle gain volume, but the drop set group did it far less time than the other two4. Same muscle gains, just in less time!
3) Completely fatigues the muscles: Greater work capacity (training volume) is a term that refers to the total amount of work a lifter can perform, recover from, and adapt to. Essentially, a greater work capacity is the total volume of work you put in and the training effect that results from it. Research has shown that in standard lifting technique, when a lifter follows several reps, aiming to reach muscle failure, rests for 60 seconds, and then continues to another set, the muscles aren't completely exhausted despite being fatigued. Why? Because they could still put more work in, just at a lighter load5. Enter, drop sets.

Drop sets work great for all muscle groups! The main factor here is determining which muscle groups to prioritize progressing. While your answer is probably all of them (duh!), doing drop sets for every body part of every workout is unsafe, won’t yield good results, and is highly unadvisable. So, start with picking 1 to 2 upper body muscles and 1 to 2 lower body muscles, and work those into your routine. Let’s say summer is just around the corner, and you are hoping to get those biceps looking a little fuller for tank top weather. Start there, targeting one bicep movement in which it makes sense to apply a drop set (hint: a bicep curl is perfect for the drop set technique).
Technique selection is the big thing to keep in mind with muscle groups and drop sets. With the larger body muscles, such as the glutes and back, you can probably decrease your weight less than when targeting the biceps or triceps. So, for a glute exercise, consider reducing the weight by 10% each time, whereas, for a bicep exercise, reducing the weight by 20-25% may enable you to get a few extra sets in. In addition, if you have no problems continuing to increase the weight used for your glute exercises week-to-week, a drop set for this muscle group is probably not necessary. Use this technique strategically: Pick your muscle groups, or even one muscle group, that needs the most work, whether aesthetically or strength-wise.
One other note: We love compound movements and their efficiency in targeting multiple muscle groups. However, those exercises aren’t necessarily the best for drop sets as they often require multiple muscle movements and precise techniques to complete. As you push your muscles to their uppermost fatigue limits with drop sets, it can be unsafe to attempt while also performing a backward lunge that targets every lower-body muscle. Focus on one specific lower body muscle using a simpler exercise and always use proper form.
Here’s an idea of how to incorporate them into an upper body and lower body day using conventional resistance training exercises:
Upper Body: Drop sets targeting chest and biceps muscles group





Barbell row



30-60 seconds

Barbell incline bench press (drop set)

1 set at heaviest weight

6 reps

10 seconds

Switch to flat bench chest press

As many reps as possible

10 seconds

Switch to push ups

As many reps as possible

Lat pull down machine



30-60 seconds

Dumbbell chest fly



30-60 seconds

Bicep curls (drop set)

1 set at heaviest weight

6 reps

10 seconds

Reduce the weight by 20%

As many reps as possible

10 seconds

Reduce the weight by 20%

As many reps as possible

Seated row



30-60 seconds

Push-down station for triceps



30-60 seconds

Shoulder press



30-60 seconds

Notice this workout included two different drop set techniques. The technique of the barbell incline bench press was adjusted to make it easier each time, while the bicep curl followed the tried-and-true format of reducing the weights for 2 drop set rounds.
Lower Body: Drop sets targeting glutes and quads muscle group





Barbell back squat



60 seconds

Dumbbell deadlift (drop set)

1 set at heaviest weight

As many reps as possible

10 seconds

Reduce the weight by 20%

As many reps as possible

10 seconds

Reduce the weight by another 20%

As many reps as possible

10 seconds



8-12 on each side

30 seconds

Leg extension machine (drop set)

1 set at heaviest weight


10 seconds

Drop the weight 15%

As many as possible

15 seconds

Drop the weight another 15%

As many as possible

15 seconds

Drop the weight another 15%

As many as possible

Goblet squats



30-60 seconds

Leg press



30-60 seconds

Bulgarian split squats



30-60 seconds

Let's go over some frequently asked questions about drop sets now...
How many sets are in a drop set?
Thanks to the drop sets’ versatility, you can choose a set range from 1 to 4. Adding two drop sets after completing one set at a heavier weight tends to be the most common technique, likely because 3 to 4 drop sets are extremely challenging. But studies that examined up to four drop sets found they were also effective. If you’re planning to do 1 to 2 drop sets, you can probably get away with not reducing your weight quite as significantly. If you’re planning to add four drop sets, plan accordingly with your weight. Start the first drop set at 80% 1RM, followed by 65% 1RM, 50% 1RM, 40% 1RM, and finally, 30% 1RM.
How many reps are in a drop set?
AMRAP, baby! Unless you’re following a specific technique like the 6-20 method, in which you lift six reps extremely heavy, followed by 20 at a lighter weight, the drop set premise centers around as many reps as possible - this is what is going to fatigue your muscles to an entirely new level.
When should you do a drop set?
It may be time to consider adding a drop set to your routine when you feel like you’ve plateaued. We have all experienced the frustration of feeling stuck at the same weight for far too long - whether with a body part or just a specific exercise - and drop sets are a strategy for pushing through it. Drop sets are also for gym-goers looking to reduce time spent in the gym and boost muscular endurance.
Remember how drop sets can lead to greater work capacity? That’s essentially improving your muscle endurance. Finally, if one of your goals is to gain muscle strength or fatigue the muscles in a new way, it's time to do a drop set. As far as when to do them in a workout routine, think strategically here. You probably don’t want a drop set to be your first exercise, because it exhausts your muscles from the get-go. Saving them for the end isn’t a great idea either because you want some fuel in the tank when you do them. Finally, if you’re doing two drop sets in a routine, don’t do them back-to-back. We suggest placing the first one second in your line-up, followed by another 1 to 2 exercises later.
How many drop sets should I do per workout?
One to two drop sets in a workout is more than enough. Ideally, use them strategically on an exercise or body part in which you want to see aesthetic and strength changes. For example, if you’ve been stuck at the same weight on a dumbbell row, adding a drop set to this specific exercise in an upper body workout may be just what you need to see added gains. In the same workout, you could even throw in one more drop set on a separate upper body exercise, like a shoulder press. Ideally, you focus on drop sets on these two body parts once a week for three weeks and then select a different body part to target.
Can I do drop sets every workout?
Don’t go crazy with drop sets! They are highly fatiguing, so adding them to your routine 1 to 2 times a week is more than enough. And if planning on twice a week, make sure to target different muscle groups. Target legs one of the sessions and upper body on the other.
There is a point of diminishing returns with this advanced training technique, and it boils down to the two key parts of the strength-building process: Put the work in, and then rest and recover. If the muscles don't have time to repair after a tough workout, the muscle fibers can't rebuild, bigger and stronger. And if you need a little evidence to convince you that three drop sets a week isn’t a good idea, let the research speak for itself: Pushing your muscles to fatigue too often causes a decrease in energy stores (makes, sense, right?), and a build-up of lactic acid, a pesky substance linked to delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
In addition, overly fatiguing the muscles can increase a compound called adenosine monophosphate levels, which can decline muscle growth6.
If we can leave you with one last note on drop sets, this is it: Use them sparingly and strategically. Prioritize the muscles you want to see have more muscle growth. You can do this by adding them to a few specific exercises for up to three weeks, then adding in a recovery week with no drop sets. Also, if you are targeting a body part for three weeks using drop sets, make sure to increase your drop set weight each week. Remember, more weight leads to hypertrophy, drop set, or no drop set. Due to the high left of muscular fatigue and hypertrophy that drop sets bring, you will need to pay special attention to recovery. Give your muscles time to repair after a drop set workout; only performing a drop set for a specific body part once a week. Now, what are you waiting for? Pick your muscles, get to the gym, and line those dumbbells up!


Krzysztofik M, Wilk M, Wojda?a G, Go?a? A. Maximizing Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review of Advanced Resistance Training Techniques and Methods. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2019;16(24):E4897. doi:10.3390/ijerph16244897
Fink J, Schoenfeld BJ, Kikuchi N, Nakazato K. Effects of drop set resistance training on acute stress indicators and long-term muscle hypertrophy and strength. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2018;58(5):597-605. doi:10.23736/S0022-4707.17.06838-4
Ozaki H, Kubota A, Natsume T, et al. Effects of drop sets with resistance training on increases in muscle CSA, strength, and endurance: a pilot study. Journal of sports sciences. 2018;36(6):691-696. doi:10.1080/02640414.2017.1331042
Gorostiaga EM, Navarro-Amézqueta I, Calbet JAL, et al. Energy Metabolism during Repeated Sets of Leg Press Exercise Leading to Failure or Not. Garatachea N, ed. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(7):e40621. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0040621

For serious strength gains or to overcome that pesky plateau haunting you at the gym, we have two words for you: Drop sets. This technique is beloved by bodybuilders and recreational gym-goers alike for one simple reason. It's extremely effective. Not for the faint of weight lifting heart, drop sets will push your muscles beyond the fatigue level achieved following a standard 3-set, 8-12 rep range format. Intrigued yet? You should be! The good news is we’re about to cover everything you need to know about this technique to enable you to push your workout to the next level.

This article will cover:

  • What drop sets are
  • The different drop set techniques
  • The benefits of performing drop sets
  • The best muscle groups for drop sets
  • Drop set workout examples
  • Drop set FAQs

After reading this, you'll have a clear idea of when and how to use drop sets to push your muscles to their limit.

The concept behind drop sets, also called descending sets, is training for muscular failure. The technique involves starting with a heavy weight, either following a specific number of reps at this weight or going to failure. Without resting, or with very minimal rest, you then drop the weight load and perform as many reps as possible. Studies focused on drop sets typically follow a protocol of starting at a heavyweight, 80% of 1RM is a good guideline, until failure, decreasing the weight by 15-25%, followed by another 15-25% decrease for the second drop set, meaning a total of 3 sets is complete. Another approach used in a drop set research program involved completing the first set at 80% 1RM until failure, followed by four drop sets at 65%, 50%, 40%, and 30% 1RM with no recovery breaks in between sets1.

The drop set training technique extends time under tension during sets, enhances the muscle’s metabolic stress, and increases motor unit fatigue. Drop sets are exhausting, helping to promote muscle hypertrophy, and are a time-efficient way to work out as the rest in between sets is nonexistent.

Take a look at this example of how to drop weight when performing a leg extension. This drop set includes repping out at 250, dropping the weight by 20%, followed by another 20% to failure:

  • Perform leg extensions at 250 pounds for as many reps as possible.
  • Once you hit failure, immediately reduce the weight to 200 pounds and once again continue to fail.
  • Decrease the weight to 160, continuing until failure.

There are several options when it comes to drop set techniques. There are advantages to each, so you may even want to play around with which brings you the best results.

  • The number of drop sets: You can incorporate several drop sets, performing as few as one drop set or as many as three to four. Another version, referred to as back off sets, involves performing your standard rep and set schedule, let’s say four sets of 8 reps, resting for 1-2 minutes, and then one drop set for as many reps as possible (AMRAP) using between 10 and 20% less weight.

  • Weight amount: You can also choose either a tight or a wide drop set, which involves a difference in the weight dropped. A tight drop set is when you aim to decrease the weight by a small amount between sets. It's more challenging as you’re repping out without significantly reducing the weight. The wide drop set involves a larger drop in weight between reps, which will get you a few more reps than the tight drop set. This strategy is great for targeting the larger muscle groups, such as the legs or back.

  • 6-20 method: Following the 6-20 method, you will use a wide drop set that picks a very heavy weight followed by a much smaller weight. Begin with the heaviest weight you can manage for six reps, perform them, reduce the weight by 50% and continue for 20 reps.

  • Mechanical advantage model: There is also a mechanical advantage model where instead of dropping in weight, you can switch to an easier technique. Go all out in your first set, following the normal drop set protocol, and then for your next rep, change the exercise, lifting angle, grip change, stability level, or even the tempo to make it easier. It uses the same concept of pushing your muscles past their normal fatigue level. For example, following this method, you could perform a barbell back squat using a heavy weight, then immediately switch to a goblet squat with a medium weight, followed by as many bodyweight squats as possible.

  • Rest variation: How you approach rest can also vary. You can opt for the most challenging version when you take little to no rest in between sets. You can also do a brief pause to help with recovery, which can be anywhere from 5 to 20 seconds. We suggest capping out at 20 seconds as more rest will detract from the drop set technique.
Some exercises and equipment are better for drop sets, so this is not a functional technique for every movement. Loading up a barbell with plates, for example, will take way too long in between sets for this to be an effective drop set movement (although it can be done quickly if you have a workout partner).

The good news is that most equipment does work well, including dumbbells, fixed weight barbells, and selectorized gym equipment. Any equipment that enables you to lower weight quickly works well. When using dumbbells, select each level of weight you’re going to use, and set them up before starting the exercise. Again, if you have to walk across the gym to swap out weights, you won't get the full drop-set effect.

The principle behind drop set resistance training is to push the muscles to their absolute max. The more work put in is going to yield even greater results. Here are some advantages to the technique.

1) Maximize muscle growth: Weight lifting plateaus are frustrating and, for many lifters, something that is unfortunately experienced at some point. But if you want to push through one, drop sets may be just the trick. A study examined triceps training in 16 men, half of which performed drop sets, and the other followed a traditional program of 3 sets of 12 reps with 90 seconds of rest. The drop set group performed 1 set of 12 reps and included two drop sets for each exercise. After six weeks, guess which triceps had almost double the growth in muscle size? You got it - the drop set lifters2. They have the potential for superior muscle gains.

2) Saves time: One study examining the effects of drop sets reported that lifters using the technique spent less than half the time in the gym than those who followed a normal rep and set regimen3. Separate research reviewed three groups performing the bicep curl following different regimens over three weeks. All three groups had similar muscle gain volume, but the drop set group did it far less time than the other two4. Same muscle gains, just in less time!

3) Completely fatigues the muscles: Greater work capacity (training volume) is a term that refers to the total amount of work a lifter can perform, recover from, and adapt to. Essentially, a greater work capacity is the total volume of work you put in and the training effect that results from it. Research has shown that in standard lifting technique, when a lifter follows several reps, aiming to reach muscle failure, rests for 60 seconds, and then continues to another set, the muscles aren't completely exhausted despite being fatigued. Why? Because they could still put more work in, just at a lighter load5. Enter, drop sets.


Drop sets work great for all muscle groups! The main factor here is determining which muscle groups to prioritize progressing. While your answer is probably all of them (duh!), doing drop sets for every body part of every workout is unsafe, won’t yield good results, and is highly unadvisable. So, start with picking 1 to 2 upper body muscles and 1 to 2 lower body muscles, and work those into your routine. Let’s say summer is just around the corner, and you are hoping to get those biceps looking a little fuller for tank top weather. Start there, targeting one bicep movement in which it makes sense to apply a drop set (hint: a bicep curl is perfect for the drop set technique).

Technique selection is the big thing to keep in mind with muscle groups and drop sets. With the larger body muscles, such as the glutes and back, you can probably decrease your weight less than when targeting the biceps or triceps. So, for a glute exercise, consider reducing the weight by 10% each time, whereas, for a bicep exercise, reducing the weight by 20-25% may enable you to get a few extra sets in. In addition, if you have no problems continuing to increase the weight used for your glute exercises week-to-week, a drop set for this muscle group is probably not necessary. Use this technique strategically: Pick your muscle groups, or even one muscle group, that needs the most work, whether aesthetically or strength-wise.

One other note: We love compound movements and their efficiency in targeting multiple muscle groups. However, those exercises aren’t necessarily the best for drop sets as they often require multiple muscle movements and precise techniques to complete. As you push your muscles to their uppermost fatigue limits with drop sets, it can be unsafe to attempt while also performing a backward lunge that targets every lower-body muscle. Focus on one specific lower body muscle using a simpler exercise and always use proper form.

Here’s an idea of how to incorporate them into an upper body and lower body day using conventional resistance training exercises:

Upper Body: Drop sets targeting chest and biceps muscles group





Barbell row



30-60 seconds

Barbell incline bench press (drop set)

1 set at heaviest weight

6 reps

10 seconds

Switch to flat bench chest press

As many reps as possible

10 seconds

Switch to push ups

As many reps as possible

Lat pull down machine



30-60 seconds

Dumbbell chest fly



30-60 seconds

Bicep curls (drop set)

1 set at heaviest weight

6 reps

10 seconds

Reduce the weight by 20%

As many reps as possible

10 seconds

Reduce the weight by 20%

As many reps as possible

Seated row



30-60 seconds

Push-down station for triceps



30-60 seconds

Shoulder press



30-60 seconds

Notice this workout included two different drop set techniques. The technique of the barbell incline bench press was adjusted to make it easier each time, while the bicep curl followed the tried-and-true format of reducing the weights for 2 drop set rounds.

Lower Body: Drop sets targeting glutes and quads muscle group





Barbell back squat



60 seconds

Dumbbell deadlift (drop set)

1 set at heaviest weight

As many reps as possible

10 seconds

Reduce the weight by 20%

As many reps as possible

10 seconds

Reduce the weight by another 20%

As many reps as possible

10 seconds



8-12 on each side

30 seconds

Leg extension machine (drop set)

1 set at heaviest weight


10 seconds

Drop the weight 15%

As many as possible

15 seconds

Drop the weight another 15%

As many as possible

15 seconds

Drop the weight another 15%

As many as possible

Goblet squats



30-60 seconds

Leg press



30-60 seconds

Bulgarian split squats



30-60 seconds

Let's go over some frequently asked questions about drop sets now...

How many sets are in a drop set?
Thanks to the drop sets’ versatility, you can choose a set range from 1 to 4. Adding two drop sets after completing one set at a heavier weight tends to be the most common technique, likely because 3 to 4 drop sets are extremely challenging. But studies that examined up to four drop sets found they were also effective. If you’re planning to do 1 to 2 drop sets, you can probably get away with not reducing your weight quite as significantly. If you’re planning to add four drop sets, plan accordingly with your weight. Start the first drop set at 80% 1RM, followed by 65% 1RM, 50% 1RM, 40% 1RM, and finally, 30% 1RM.

How many reps are in a drop set?
AMRAP, baby! Unless you’re following a specific technique like the 6-20 method, in which you lift six reps extremely heavy, followed by 20 at a lighter weight, the drop set premise centers around as many reps as possible - this is what is going to fatigue your muscles to an entirely new level.

When should you do a drop set?
It may be time to consider adding a drop set to your routine when you feel like you’ve plateaued. We have all experienced the frustration of feeling stuck at the same weight for far too long - whether with a body part or just a specific exercise - and drop sets are a strategy for pushing through it. Drop sets are also for gym-goers looking to reduce time spent in the gym and boost muscular endurance.

Remember how drop sets can lead to greater work capacity? That’s essentially improving your muscle endurance. Finally, if one of your goals is to gain muscle strength or fatigue the muscles in a new way, it's time to do a drop set. As far as when to do them in a workout routine, think strategically here. You probably don’t want a drop set to be your first exercise, because it exhausts your muscles from the get-go. Saving them for the end isn’t a great idea either because you want some fuel in the tank when you do them. Finally, if you’re doing two drop sets in a routine, don’t do them back-to-back. We suggest placing the first one second in your line-up, followed by another 1 to 2 exercises later.

How many drop sets should I do per workout?
One to two drop sets in a workout is more than enough. Ideally, use them strategically on an exercise or body part in which you want to see aesthetic and strength changes. For example, if you’ve been stuck at the same weight on a dumbbell row, adding a drop set to this specific exercise in an upper body workout may be just what you need to see added gains. In the same workout, you could even throw in one more drop set on a separate upper body exercise, like a shoulder press. Ideally, you focus on drop sets on these two body parts once a week for three weeks and then select a different body part to target.

Can I do drop sets every workout?
Don’t go crazy with drop sets! They are highly fatiguing, so adding them to your routine 1 to 2 times a week is more than enough. And if planning on twice a week, make sure to target different muscle groups. Target legs one of the sessions and upper body on the other.

There is a point of diminishing returns with this advanced training technique, and it boils down to the two key parts of the strength-building process: Put the work in, and then rest and recover. If the muscles don't have time to repair after a tough workout, the muscle fibers can't rebuild, bigger and stronger. And if you need a little evidence to convince you that three drop sets a week isn’t a good idea, let the research speak for itself: Pushing your muscles to fatigue too often causes a decrease in energy stores (makes, sense, right?), and a build-up of lactic acid, a pesky substance linked to delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

In addition, overly fatiguing the muscles can increase a compound called adenosine monophosphate levels, which can decline muscle growth6.

If we can leave you with one last note on drop sets, this is it: Use them sparingly and strategically. Prioritize the muscles you want to see have more muscle growth. You can do this by adding them to a few specific exercises for up to three weeks, then adding in a recovery week with no drop sets. Also, if you are targeting a body part for three weeks using drop sets, make sure to increase your drop set weight each week. Remember, more weight leads to hypertrophy, drop set, or no drop set. Due to the high left of muscular fatigue and hypertrophy that drop sets bring, you will need to pay special attention to recovery. Give your muscles time to repair after a drop set workout; only performing a drop set for a specific body part once a week. Now, what are you waiting for? Pick your muscles, get to the gym, and line those dumbbells up!



[*]Krzysztofik M, Wilk M, Wojda?a G, Go?a? A. Maximizing Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review of Advanced Resistance Training Techniques and Methods. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2019;16(24):E4897. doi:10.3390/ijerph16244897
[*]Fink J, Schoenfeld BJ, Kikuchi N, Nakazato K. Effects of drop set resistance training on acute stress indicators and long-term muscle hypertrophy and strength. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2018;58(5):597-605. doi:10.23736/S0022-4707.17.06838-4
[*]Ozaki H, Kubota A, Natsume T, et al. Effects of drop sets with resistance training on increases in muscle CSA, strength, and endurance: a pilot study. Journal of sports sciences. 2018;36(6):691-696. doi:10.1080/02640414.2017.1331042
[*]Gorostiaga EM, Navarro-Amézqueta I, Calbet JAL, et al. Energy Metabolism during Repeated Sets of Leg Press Exercise Leading to Failure or Not. Garatachea N, ed. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(7):e40621. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0040621

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