What are Research Peptides?

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Hop onto any bodybuilding forum and plenty of bald men will be talking about Peptides. You might have even come across a Peptide add or two even, but what exactly are these mystery compounds?

The most common of these compounds is called Human Growth Hormone (HGH), a Peptide that is often used as part of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in HRT Clinics.

Research Peptides can differ wildly from one another based on the Amino Acid sequence, and, of course, the quality.

With much more research on these compounds, there has been a boom in online sale of Peptides, Peptide Hormones, and other research chemicals.

To see how these work, what they do, and where to get them, grab yourself a cup of coffee and keep reading. Fyi this might get a little scientific at times.

What are Research Peptides? Peptides can be described as Amino Acids that are bound with Peptide bonds – hence the name. These are found throughout nature, and some are even very popular like Collagen or Creatine – both Peptide supplements.

We know from various studies and clinical trials that certain Peptides have a massive therapeutic potential in treating certain health conditions. This can vary from Growth Hormone deficiency to recovery from injuries.

Figure 1: BPC 157
Figure 2: Trenbolone Peptides (left) should not be confused with Steroids (right) as they are vastly different, and will have far fewer side effects. The important thing to remember is that the beneficial effects will differ from one Peptide to another. Something like HGH will not have the same effects as Body Protection Compound 157 (BPC 157) because they have different sequences of Amino Acids.

Certain Peptides are even used by everyday individuals, such as Bodybuilders who use Peptides for muscle growth, fat loss, or recovery from injuries. Most Peptides are on the World Anti Doping Agency list of banned substances, but you can still buy these as Research Chemicals online.

Peptides also differ from Proteins. Yes, both are made from the building blocks of biology, Amino Acids, but they will differ wildly in pharmacokinetics – also please do not inject blended chicken breast.

How Do Research Peptides Work? As mentioned, researchers have actually developed a great variety of different Peptides, all with different Amino Acid chains. This means they will differ wildly in their structure, and therefore their use in the medical world differs as well.

For instance, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is being researched as a medication for obesity [1]. HGH will increase both Glucagon and Lipase levels in the body, which in turn will release fat from Adipocytes (fat cells) into the blood. This can then be used through the Beta Oxidation process a lot easier.

Something like Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is actually being used as a Testosterone therapy, as HCG will increase luteinizing hormone levels in the body. This is turn will lead to a great increase in Testosterone levels [2].

So, while popular articles online might say “Peptides can do this and that“, you have to remember that these Peptides differ greatly from one another. The body has various receptors, and these compounds have specifically been designed to act on certain ones.

Peptide research is a growing market, and with so many health benefits becoming more apparent, many could benefit from these particular Peptides.

Benefits of Research Peptides? Now that we have established that Peptides are natural, but can also be artificially created, we can start looking at how certain individual Amino Acids and their chains could lead to specific benefits. For tense and purposes, we are going to look at the big three factors:

Muscle Growth It’s not just hulking men and women who are looking to increase their muscle mass, but pretty much everyone on the planet would benefit from building muscle. Body composition has become increasingly important as a life quality determining factor.

Certain Peptides, such as IGF-1 (Insulin-growth like Factor 1), MGF (Mechano Growth Factor), HGH, CJC-1295, and various others, have been shown to have some effect on muscle protein synthesis (MPS). MPS is simply the process the body undergoes to build muscle, so higher MPS means more muscle – granted you have the food to build muscle.

Bodybuilders have been using these Peptides for muscle growth for years, granted they also make use of other substances. That said, there is substantial Peptide research showing that this could help with increasing muscle mass, especially in untrained individuals.

Fat Loss Food has become our biggest downfall, and more than 30% of the world is actually obese [3]. This is a staggering number, and frankly, it’s only going to get worse. Obesity has also been linked to various other health complications, and drug discovery for fat loss has been increasing at a massive rate.

Peptides could very well be a treatment. Peptides like HGH, HGH Fragment, CJC 1295, and Melanotan II have been shown to help with fat loss. Not all of these are FDA approved, yet, and while testing patients did experience positive effects, certain Peptides do still have some side effects.

Huan Growth Hormone is one of the best treatments of obesity that exists Researchers are still looking to develop Peptides that have higher efficacy for fat loss without a negative interaction. At the moment, the best Peptides for Fat Loss seem to be HGH and HGH Fragment.

Injury Recovery As we age we will naturally have injuries. This is not something we can avoid, but we can at least get the best treatment possible. Sure, resistance training and a diet rich in healthy food would help, but certain Peptides have been shown to have a positive effect on cells.

The most common Peptides for this function are BPC-157 and Thymosin Beta-4 (TB-500). The former is known to increase Angiogenesis (increased growth of blood vessels) and the latter is a strong anti-inflammatory compound [4, 5].

There are other Peptides that could have similar effects like HGH, however, more research is needed.

Are Research Peptides Legal? The legal status of these Peptides is always brought into question. It can actually be summarized very easily, They are not FDA approved, they are not recommended for human consumption, and they can only be sold as “research chemicals”.

These are still being studied for human use, and while they have the potential to be a treatment for a/various medical condition(s), they are not approved for treatment, yet.

Certain Hormone Clinics do stock Peptides for those who are in need Certain Peptides can legally be procured from Hormone Therapy Clinics such as Evolve HRT Telemed, or if you want to skip that step, you can purchase Peptides directly from various Peptide Vendors.

Who Should Use Research Peptides? The most obvious way to know if you are in need of Peptide therapeutics is simply to have your blood tested with a company like Let’s Get Checked. Once you know what your shortcomings are, you can decide what is needed.

The other option you have is to work through a Hormone Therapy clinic, such as Evolve HRT Telemed or Marek Health. Both can guide you through the process of using Peptides for a medical condition treatment. As you will be working with a healthcare professional, you are also less likely to be facing side effects.

Overall, whether you’re looking to use synthetic Peptides to improve your body composition and build some lean muscle, or if you’re simply looking to fight the effects of aging, Peptides can help.

How to Use Research Peptides? As mentioned before, the two methods of going about Peptide therapy are either using a vendor or working with wellness professionals at an HRT Clinic. Both have their benefits and drawbacks.

The best thing you can do is have your blood tested, really an invaluable service to your own health. You can then identify where your hormones and other health markers are, and then see which Peptides would be appropriate for your current situation.

Healthline media websites will often give symptoms to look out for, but because there are 100s of Peptides, it is hard to say which symptoms you should look out for. This is why HRT clinics could be beneficial, as you will be working with doctors with relevant experience.

Once the body has been exposed to these Peptides, you simply need to manage your side effects in combination with living an appropriate lifestyle. Patients who combine these Peptide supplements with a change in lifestyle do seem to have the best results.

Peptides present massive benefits if you use them correctly. They can increase muscle mass, decrease fat mass, fight inflammation, improve longevity, improve fertility, and so much more.

Forms of Research Peptides Most Peptides you find online will be sold as a powder which you then mix with bacteriostatic water. That said, you might find some Peptides that are in capsule form or even nasal sprays.

Research Peptides Side Effects Because there are so many different Peptides, it is hard to pinpoint certain side effects that are present across the board. However, these are some of the more common side effects of Research Peptides:

  • All Peptides that cause an increase in Growth Hormone levels can lead to an increase in insulin resistance
  • While most Peptides would benefit your cardiovascular system, Peptides like EPO (Erythropoietin) can massively increase red blood cell count, increasing the risk of blood clots
  • Certain Peptides like Melanotan II are known to place a strain on the Kidneys
Overall, more research is needed on these research Peptides to pinpoint all the side effects that could develop. That said, they have far fewer sides than Steroids or SARMs.

Research Peptides Clinical Trials Because Research Peptides are such a unique and effective treatment for various ailments, there have been many clinical trials on these. When looking at these, you should ideally find trials done on human subjects, over a period longer than 12 weeks ideally.

Certain Peptide supplements are fairly new, so you might only find animal studies. These are not great, but in combination with more research, you could get a pretty good idea of what the Peptide does.

Are Peptides Steroids? No, Peptides are most certainly not Steroids. Steroids are described as synthetic Androgenic hormones, either based on Testosterone, Estrogen, or Progesterone. These are full hormones that impact the entire endocrine system and almost all the cells in the body.

Peptides differ greatly from Steroids in the manner that they are not hormones. They are Amino Acid chains. We also find natural Peptides in certain food, and they have no binding affinity to the Androgen Receptors – unlike Steroids.

Steroids are also illegal, whereas Peptides are not. While a healthcare professional is able to prescribe either, you cannot purchase Steroids legally without a doctor’s prescription.

Furthermore, Steroids’ impact on health is unbelievably bad. They can worsen blood flow, increase the risk of blood clots, and even worsen the immune system (in certain scenarios).

Where Can I Buy Research Peptides? You have two routes when it comes to purchasing Peptides. The first option is to use a company like Amino Asylum or Chemyo to purchase these Peptide supplements – granted they cannot be sold as supplements.

The other option you have is to make use of an HRT clinic like Evolve HRRT Telemed. Here you will be working with medical professionals to get the best therapeutic potential from these short chains of Amino Acids.

Research Peptides Pricing Peptides can get pretty expensive really quickly. While most of these are not bioactive Peptides, you’re still going to pay. Growth Hormone famously costs several hundred dollars per month. Most popular articles on Peptides will probably just use that as a reference, however, because HGH is illegal, we need to look at some other popular Peptides:

Research Peptides vs. Other Compounds Research Peptides vs Supplements Research Peptides are probably a step up from everyday supplements, such as protein powder, or even collagen proteins. Research Peptides are obviously not FDA approved, yet, but they seem to be a lot stronger than OTC supplements. It is also common for a single Peptide to have multiple functions, unlike supplements which usually only have one.

Research Peptides vs Steroids While Anabolic Steroids are still used as therapeutics by some doctors, they are wildly different from Peptides. Steroid molecules will bind to the androgen receptors in the body, whereas Peptides have a different pharmacokinetic path. Not only will the site of action change the way these compounds act, but they will massively alter the side effects as well.

Research Peptides vs SARMs SARMs are Steroids 2.0 essentially. They were designed to replace Steroids in the medical world, and also differ wildly from Peptides. They do not bind at the same site in the human body, and while SARMs can only be used for some treatment options, Peptides could be used for a disease or two.

Are Research Peptides Legit? Absolutely. There is no real denying the science that has been published on these Peptides. Peptides differ from Proteins in their mechanism of action, and Peptide molecules will also differ from Steroids.

This makes them kind of “niche” and hard to understand to most. They are quite effective and legit, and it won’t be long before the FDA starts looking at the in vitro studies and make these short chains of Amino Acids completely legal.

What are Peptide Hormones? Peptide Hormones consist of chains of Amino Acids, just like Proteins. However, Peptides have a certain sequence of Amino Acids, granting them individual “abilities”. Some Peptides can increase IGF-1 levels in the body, whereas others could simply lower inflammation at a very high rate.

How do Amino Acids Peptides work? Depending on the specific sequence of Amino Acids the Peptide has, it will have different interactions in the body. Most Peptides used as therapeutics will increase the amount of natural Growth Hormone you produce, which in turn increases IGF-1 levels in the body. IGF-1 can lead to better skin and hair, whereas increased HGH can lead to fat loss and muscle growth.

What are pharma grade Peptides? These are Peptides that are made in a pharmaceutical grade lab, and not an underground lab site.

Best Place to buy Peptides Online? The best place to buy Peptides online is at the Amino Asylum site, or if you are looking to make use of HRT, Evolve HRT Telemed.

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