Before and After: HGH

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Human Growth Hormone or HGH is a natural Peptide produced by the body, however, as we age we do see a reduction in this hormone.

Athletes and doctors alike have noticed this compound has amazing effects when introduced exogenously, especially in a polypharmacy scenario.

That said, HGH is also known for taking its sweet time, and there are even some people who say it simply doesn’t even work.

So, what’s the truth? Is it really effective? And if so, what can you expect?

Key Takeaways

  • HGH can be used to lose fat or build lean muscle mass

  • HGH deficiencies can be treated at HRT Clinics such as Evolve HRT

  • HGH seems to be better for weight loss, mostly due to the fact that people use it wrong for mass gain

  • HGH is also extremely good for overall health (sleep quality, joint pain, etc)

What is Human Growth Hormone?

HGH as it is prescribed by doctors or bought is a synthetic HGH that is the same as the one we produce naturally. HGH will lead to various physiological changes in the body, chief amongst which is an increase in IGF-1 production.

Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 has been known to help massively with building muscle mass, helping you lose fat, improving both skin health and hair quality, and has various other benefits as well.

You could also look at Growth Hormone secretagogues. These simply boost your natural HGH production, rather than replacing your own.

Before and After: HGH

Reddit Username: Jag28

Been running 20-40iu per week for the past 11 months. Definitely gave me more size and keeps me leaner. For bulking, I did 10iu on workout days with as much insulin as I could handle. Now I’m prepping for a show an only using 4iu 5 days a week. The lower dose is just leaning me out a little and helping to hold muscle.

No need to use GH until you’ve gotten to high doses of AAS, though. It’s not cost effective. You should max on AAS before adding GH and Insulin.


Client at BestHGHDoctor


“I have so much more energy now. Before I started HGH, I sometimes got tired just doing daily activities. It was really dragging down my self-confidence and making it hard to try new things.

I tried exercising and losing weight on my own, but I never saw results. Experimenting with new diets just made me feel sick, and I didn’t have the endurance or energy to work out. Now I can easily do intense one-hour workouts and feel great afterward. I even look forward to my daily gym session.

I’ve gone down several clothing sizes and can see a huge difference in every part of my body. I even sleep better!

The best part is how great I feel. I don’t remember ever having so much energy or feeling so good about myself. Plus, I know I’m much healthier now. Thanks to Best HGH Doctors and Clinics staff my cholesterol levels are much better too.”


Client at BestHGHDoctor


“I was really thin and active as a teenager. I could eat anything and it never seemed to matter. In the past decade or so, I started to put on weight that I couldn’t get rid of no matter what I did. Not only was I gaining weight, but I felt like I was moving slow and thinking slower. I couldn’t concentrate at work.

My doctor recommended HGH injections. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but after seven months, the results are obvious. I have a muscle tone I haven’t seen since college and I’m even fitting into old clothes. I’ve been able to stick to a workout routine for the first time in years. I feel sharper, too. My coworkers have noticed the change in me, too.

Now I’m planning to take a hiking trip with some old friends this summer, something I never would have been able to do a year ago. I was a little skeptical at first, but I’m so glad I went this route.”


How to get HGH?

While purchasing HGH online is illegal, you could find yourself in a situation where you have low IGF-1 levels. In this scenario, you could be in line to have HGH prescribed by a medical professional.

Figure 1: Your best bet to get HGH is through a legitimate and legal clinic, like Marek Health

The results of HGH would include decreased body fat, increase muscle mass, increased energy, slowing of the aging process, and slight positive changes to overall health.

Because the benefits of HGH therapy are so tremendous, you’re better off going to an online clinic to get HGH Therapy. These are sometimes even covered by insurance, but it is rare.

Symptoms of Growth Hormone Deficiency

  • Increased fat mass (especially around the abdomen)

  • Decreased muscle mass and strength

  • Low energy levels

  • Poor hair texture

  • Damage to the pituitary gland

  • High blood pressure

Conclusion: Is Growth Hormone that Good?

Yes, it really is. For a long time, I believed that HGH was not good for gains, however, after doing way more research and looking at more nuanced studies, it has come to my attention that you simply need a boatload of the stuff.

For fat loss, HGH is almost unmatched (when you consider side effects, etc). It can be quite expensive, but if you are looking to strip fat or take your bodybuilding to the next level, increasing HGH Levels is the way to go.

How long does hGH take to see results?

You will start seeing the fat loss effects almost immediately, however, the hypertrophy results might take months to take place due to hyperplasia being a slow process.

What are the negative effects of hGH?

Increased water retention, downregulation of your own HGH production, and increased blood pressure (if too much is used).

When is too late for growth hormones?

Once you are past the age of 16, HGH will not help you increase your height.

How much does HGH cost?

The cost of HGH therapy will differ depending on your dose, which treatment process you use, and which clinic you work through.

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