What 3 words end with "GRY"

Have I spoiled it now... ?

The GRY puzzle has been around since at least 1975. In its plain form, it asks for a third very common word besides angry and hungry that ends in gry. While there are many words ending in gry, all of the others are rare and obscure. The only common words are angry and hungry. The puzzle in this original form is simply a hoax.
However, the human mind is ever inventive. This original puzzle has spun out into numerous versions that appear to be asking the same question. In reality, they are just riddles using the GRY puzzle as backdrop or camouflage.
One well-known language expert calls all of these new versions "Nonsense. Humbug. Hogwash. Tripe. Flapdoodle. Folderol. Balderdash. Baloney." as though a riddle, once minted, were frozen, cast in bronze, and ever immutable. To this sort of attitude I respond: pshaw, pooh-pooh, fiddlesticks, fum-a-diddle, foobosh, twaddle, pish-tush, fiddle-dee-dee, la-de-da, and a resounding thpfft!
Below are some newer versions of the GRY puzzle. These formulations of the GRY puzzle depend heavily on their exact wording. Although these variants all appear to be asking the same question, they are not, and the answers are very different.
I am aware of the original wording and in fact weird al quoted the exact wording in a seperate post that was closer to the original hoax riddle.

The post was named riddles for your mind.

Here is a good sports trivia one.

What are the only NBA teams whose names dont end in the letter S?

PS what are those none common words with the letters gry at the end.
Skipped over your question, no not at all you have not spoiled it because I did not specify that the words must be common or everyday or that you'd recognize them right away.
lolz soo true... when u hear something soo often u would assume it's a word... but it's not...

for instance... ain't = not a word!!