all this talk about b12


New member
Aside from using it to reduce the pain of certain gear. Has anyone actually seen any other results. Like getting more hungry or getting stronger, anything like that? If you don't have any problems with gear hurting how else would I benifit by using b12 in my cycle?
might just be one of those things we do like taking a multi-vit., but me personally the pain from this prop is unreal
I had to go to 1000mcg ED to start feeling something. It really didn't increase my appetite, but I felt like I had more energy. Kinda of like taking a mild eca, except not jittery.
I'm looking forward to giving it a try (100mcg eod or ed)!
so taking an oral b-12 won't increase your appetite???????? how about energy I've been taking 1mg twice a day and I'm not as tired as I used to get after work
I will tellyou why I take it the energy and the growth. I have problems eating enough It's hard to get enough protein .....the b12 helps ..EQ didn't do the job. IF the oral is working double it you will be even happer .the problem with the oral is many time it keeps your body from using what's already in the intestins....which is where the body absorbs B12


Vitamin B12's primary functions are in the formation of red blood cells and the maintenence of a healthy nervous system. B12 is necessary for the rapid synthesis of DNA during cell division. This is especially important in tissues where cells are dividing rapidly, particularly the bone marrow tissues responsible for red blood cell formation. This is important for muscle tissue growth.If B12 deficiency occurs, DNA production is disrupted and abnormal cells called megaloblasts occur. This results in anaemia. Symptoms include excessive tiredness, breathlessness, listlessness, pallor, and poor resistance to infection. Other symptoms can include a smooth, sore tongue and menstrual disorders. Anaemia may also be due to folic acid deficiency, folic acid also being necessary for DNA synthesis.