Funny Story


You know fellas, excuse me, I nearly forgot to share this story with you...

About two weeks ago, my friend and I were injecting our Profina. This was about three weeks into our cycle. The box that I was placing our used pins, syringes, alc prep pads and other garbage was getting kinda full. I live in an apartment complex that has a dumpster outside. The garbage man was coming in the morning so I thought it would be the perfect time to dump them.

You see, I live with two roomates. Neither of which know anything about the juice. My friend and I left my room and I carried the box. As I got to the living room I noticed that one of my roomates was in the dining room (easy eye-shot from living room, maybe 8 feet away). As I was walking through the living room I wanted to adjust the way I was handling the box. As I did so, the whole box crashed to the ground with the rubbage spewing all over the place!

Instead of quickly trying to pick up the mess, I just stood there and laughed at the mess. I figured we were busted no matter what. I look at my friend and he's laughing too but I notice he's going towards the ground to pick up the mess. I decide to see what my roomate thought of the whole thing and he wasn't even looking! I helped my friend pick up the mess and as it was just about finished, my roomate says to me, "You okay?"

The dumb bastard never once looked over at a box of trash that was dumped all over the living room floor.

If you're not laughing right now, maybe you just had to have been there. It was damn funny.
i use an empty plastic clothes detergent bottle. throw the wrappers from your pins and your cotton balls in there too and as it gets full it muffles the rattling noise from the pins. don't throw it away in the same garbage bag that might contain anything that can lead someone back to you such as utility bills and such.
Yeah, I was there. It just sucked because there was about 7-10 syringes scattered on the floor. Oh well, The room mate probably wouldn't know what it was if he did see them. lol. Maybe he would of thought we were junkies or something...lmao!
Always be sure to not have anything with your address in the same bag/box/whatever.

Good reminder for everyone.

You know BS, I wasn't even thinking of an excuse at the time I was laughing so hard.
I always use empty protien jugs.....and that is a funny story
though you were busted and he didnt even look lol....