Clomid and DHEA ! !


New member
Ok here is it my first cycle I used clomid and hated it I was moody cranky pissed off and got acne like I was 14 and ate candy bars all day long ! the acne lasted a long time I mean like 2 months after I finished useing it so I tried something diffrent this time

I was runnig prop and tren 100mg/75mg ed

prop wks 1 -12
tren wks 1-8

I waited the 3 days like I needed to but this time I started to take 100mg of DHEA now I have been off since last thursday I have lost no size and no strength so far also no new acne other than the normal I get ( I have oily skin) any way so far so good !

also I have been taking my clomid with grape juice to kill the taste

I am taking "Aways" liquid-clomid !

hope this helps some one in the future !
ok here is the 1 week and 2 day update !

so far I am not getting any new acne. I have been a little irritalbe but not moody. no size loss yet and no strength loss yet either. I can still hit 105lb db for my last sets of db presses, also legs are still growing and getting stronger ! will update in another week !