Need to order fina kit

go get a coffee filter and a can of acetate at the hard ware won't need a kit just a what man oil and ba and 20 ml syringe......

I got these directions from Billy bathgate's done the same as the crystal white fine can find direction on the end product is much better and it's easyer to make too......


1) Dissolve in acetone
2) Filter
3) Wash Filter with acetone 2-3x
4) Combine washes with origial
5) Add about 10x equal volume of COLD water
6) Filter and dry

7) Extra step for anal users.... Take remaining wash and heat till all acetone is evaporated. Cool down and filter.

This was my latest version.

Its basically the same as what you will see called "white fina" or "crystal fina" methods....jsut acetone instead.

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