IGF-1 and Diabetes



IGF-1 and Diabetes

As its name indicates IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1), has properties similar to insulin, and it has been shown to improve blood sugar profiles in type 2 diabetics. High doses of HGH have been shown to increase insulin resistance, but IGF-1 administration has actually normalized the insulin resistance in a group of healthy volunteers.

Nelly Mauras and Bernard Beaufrere of the Nemours Children's Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, conducted a study where they looked at several areas. They studied the effect of IGF-1 on protein metabolism, IGF-1's ability to stop the protein-wasting caused by glucocorticosteroid drugs like prednisone, and the effect IGF-1 has on insulin and glucose metabolism. They divided the volunteers into three groups, one group received IGF-1 alone, one group received IGF-1 and prednisone, and one group received prednisone alone. The study found that IGF-1 at 100 micrograms per kilogram of body weight given twice daily enhanced the body's protein metabolism in the same way as human growth hormone did. Like human growth hormone, IGF-1 markedly decreased the protein breakdown in the volunteers who were taking prednisone, but IGF-1 did not cause the diabetes-like effects of carbohydrate intolerance and insulin resistance as human growth hormone had done when given in combination with prednisone in an earlier study. Instead, the test subjects who received IGF-1 and prednisone had normal glucose metabolism. The researchers saw this as remarkable because glucocorticoids are known to decrease insulin sensitivity and suppress the circulating insulin in the body. These researchers believe IGF-1 offers much promise in the treatment of protein catabolic states.

The Effects IGF-1 Has on Diabetes

Two 1997 double-blind clinical studies showed that recombinant IGF-1 injections can markedly reduce the need for insulin in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes by up to 45% . One study involved 8 adults aged 24 - 49 and 43 children and teenagers aged 8 - 17. While these trials lasted 19 days and 4 weeks and were short term trials, the fact that these test subjects saw such a drop in their insulin requirement and they had no serious side effects make IGF-1 a promising treatment of diabetes. While in these short term studies IGF-1 therapy did not completely do away with the need for insulin, it did improve the control of blood sugar and so may help prevent the complications of diabetes.

Lisa Wells, RN

Bibliography: "Grow Young With HGH" by Ronald Klatz, MD.
Any bad reports on this stuff ?? Everything I can read shows it in a positive light.
There was a post on Animal's board (I think made by A himself) that said IGF-1 causes insulin resistance in fat cells!

So what that means look to have IGF-1 scheduled in the near future because by no means the powers to be will let a cure for obesity get out there (no matter how much money McDonald's lobbies).
Bro if you get a chance I'd love to read that maybe you could copy and paste if you ran across it again
I too have read that igf-1 decreases fat cell insulin sensitivity. Thus one can grow like a weed on the stuff and use insulin w/ little worry of fat gain. Fat can't enter into a fat cell easily if it's insulin sensitivity is hinderred. IGF-1 seems like a miracle drug for bb'ing. Now that I've done hgh I can't wait to try igf-1 and see what if it's all they claim... Unlimited growth, increase in cell number, coupled w/ increase in cell volume if used w/ insulin and/or AS, along with fat loss due to fat cells losing sensitivity to insulin... definitely sounds like something i wanna try!
Choke, trying to gain access to Animal's board. He banned everyone and now you have to email him to get a password to get on.

But I did hunt around a bit and copied this interesting piece off another board:

5) Igf promotes anabolism similar to insulin, but through diff pathways. IGF works by stimulating protien synthesis. it acts similar to slin as far as glucose transport, but since human fat cells dont appear to have IGF receptors, it CANNOT stimulate glucose uptake there!

Also because of its insulin-like action on glucose, it allows the body to lower its own insulin production, and this means less fat deposition!(1) IGF also directly lowers LPL which is the main enzyme responsible for allowing fat to enter fat cells, whereas insulin elevates it. (this could be why the continued fat burning effectsa are seen. i have not yet found how long LPL remains lowered. if anyone wants to help me look into that)

1- Am J Physiol Endrocrinol Metab 2000 Apr;278(4):E729-37