who got blitzeed????

  • Thread starter Harvey Balboner
  • Start date

Harvey Balboner

so who elsse enjoeyed a few too many beverages to celabratte there inedepence?
i haadd 10 and i mmake my drinks pretty strong
Harvey Balboner said:
so who elsse enjoeyed a few too many beverages to celabratte there inedepence?

Holy shit, I literally have tears in my eyes. I never seen "enjoeyed" in a sentence.
I just have a mental picture of you, one drink in each hand, trying to type with your nose. LOL, man well have to get sloshed and post together sometimes, we'd laugh our ass of in the AM.
ha that owuld be awesome, we neveer did have that drinkin contest!

iii;m nursing my last beer before i chrash, no more jack toniiight.
LOL, bro I'm sure you'll sleep well. Another time, it'd be a blast.
damn, I went to bed too early and missed all the fun. That's one drawback of the IGF I guess.
Sounds like you were on a roll harv. How'r you doing today?
Oh fine, I never get hung over. Might enjoy a few more tonight, before I start on my cycle and diet, and have to cut out the drinkin.
I had a few beers last night, but they started giving me a headache...so I stopped. Fireworks here SUCKED!!
man shitsheads here are still fookin shooting off firewoerkes tonight.