3rd cycle...Opinions?


New member
OK, I'm planning out my 3rd cycle, which I will not be starting for 3-4 months out. (I'm just now finishing my 2nd cycle). Stats are currently 6' 220 @ 8% BF. How's this looking for a good bulker?

1-4: prop 150mgs/EOD
1-10: cyp 750mgs/wk
1-10: eq 400mgs/wk
ldex, nolv, clomid

I'll be using QV prop and eq, denkall cyp (cypiotest 250). Opinions on cycle/gear?
I would lengthen the cycle to 12 wks just because of the longer esters in the EQ and Cyp. I am currently in week 10 of 14 of:
Wk 1-5 200mg prop e/o/d EQL
wk 1-14 500 mg Test E(QV)
wk 1-14 400mg EQ (QV)

Have gained @ 23 lbs from 199-222 and bf went from 8 to @ 9.5%

The QV gear is great and you can check the lab results with your batch#s. Never used Denkall. I like you cycle-simple and effective.
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I ran the cyp/eq @ 10 weeks cause I'd have to buy another bottle of each if I went any longer than 10 weeks. I'm already spending a lot on 2 bottles of eq, 2 bottles of prop, and 3 bottles of cyp, not to mention all the anti es I'm gonna have to get....the wallet's getting a little light these days.
Not a bad cycle, but I would finish on short esters and go straight to post cycle therapy. I also don't find that running short ester for more than 2-3 weeks at the outset of cycle really does much to jump start it for me. So, having said all this, I'd cut the Prop front load to 2 (maybe 3) weeks, and add 2 (maybe 3, since cyp and eq have pretty long half lives) weeks of prop to the end of the cycle -- weeks 11+12, and go to post-cycle on week 13.


As far as the prop I believe you would have to see how you react as the start of your cycle-Everyone is different-It is an interesting suggestion for the post cycle...........
Cyp and Enanthate are virtually identical so you should snag a 50 ml bottle of QV Enanthate- it is usually pretty cheap, considering how much you get and the quality of it. And if you are going to do EQ, I would run it out for 12 weeks, along with the test.

I do have one question though: is that picture of you in your profile box? And if it is, this will only be your third cycle? Yeesh.
pumpseeker said:
interesting idea...anyone else agree?

yeah, I agree with that...but I've seen EQ's half-life listed as high as 15 days. Do the math. It's gonna stick around quite awhile. Because of that, I'd run the prop at least 4 weeks (more like 5-6 weeks) after the last EQ injection. Or just continue running the longer-acting test for a few more weeks and wrap up with the prop, timing it so that the cyp/enanthate is gone when you stop the prop.
I agree with both-Switch the Cyp to Ena-The bottle I just got is damn near painless. My dog barely even limps. And come off with the short esters.