Lipo 6 by NUTREX


New member
Anyone ever tried this stuff?

I have just started using it. 2 caps first thing in the morning and 2 caps before my workout.

It is suppose to be a really potent thermogenic. Just looking for some other input.
I saw it when I was looking for thermos with yohimbine, but have never tried it. Ended up ordering some NYC+ (or whatever the new formulation is)
Yeah - here's the blurbage that a search turned up:

Lipo 6 attacks all 6 Fat Receptors in the body needed to Burn Body Fat. With Lipo 6 you will:

*Burn Fat Fast
*Increase Energy
*Control Appetite
*Attack Body Fat From All Angles

All with No End-of-Day CRASH!

Lipo-6 by Nutrex is the first and only fat-burner which can be titled as the complete fat-burning formula. Never before has a product succeeded in attacking all 6 fat receptors in the body needed to burn body fat as quickly as humanly possible. In the past, all fat-burning formulas including the leading brands, have fallen short in stimulating ß1, ß2, ß3, alpha1, alpha2 and alpha3 fat receptors simultaneously. With Lipo-6 you can now attack body fat from all angles and experience a far greater overall fat loss than with any other fat-burning product on the market today.

Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size: 2 Cap
Servings Per: 60
Ephedra Sinica: 335mg
Caffeine: 200mg
Citrus Aurantium: 100mg
Yohimbine HCL: 3mg
Coleus Forskohlii: 50mg
Bioperine: 5mg

Other ingredients: gelatin, maltodextrin, magnesium stearate.

Suggested Use:
Take 2 caps before breakfast or morning workout and 2 more caps in the afternoon. Assess your tolerance by first starting out with 1 cap twice daily forthe first five days. For extreme fat loss take 2 caps 3 times daily. Do not exceed 6 caps per day.
Ephedra and Yohimbine are a big no-no in combination for a good portion of the population.

Proceed with caution.
LA said:
Ephedra and Yohimbine are a big no-no in combination for a good portion of the population.

Proceed with caution.

Absolutely. The two together can put your on your behind quick-like. Maybe it works for some folks but the two together can also take most folks down. Actually the only times I puked during a workout was when I was running these two together -- a couple of times I was in the middle of my ab workout and had to quickly hit the lockerroom to lose my lunch (but I did imediately return and finish my ab work). Be careful with these tw0 -- powerful but dangerous combination.
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Im actually using it at the moment, but i only take it on leg days for the extra boost.. I love it, i think its great
I am not experiencing anything negative yet and I take 2 caps in the a.m. upon waking up and two caps 30-45 minutes before my workouts. It seems to be working well for me so far. I'll keep you guys updated.
things were fine the entire two weeks; I'm back on liquid clen now

that got me back under 200lbs, but of course my profina now has me back over 200lbs.