British Dragon (Thailand) Products


Mc Vet
I have been seeing more and more products offered by "British Dragon (Thailand) " like Boldabol (Equipoise), Trenabol, Testabol Propionate, ect. ect. I was just wondering if anyone has any information about the legitimacy of British Dragon's products? here's the Whole sale company's website any information about personal experience or familiarity with there products would be greatly appreciated, please feel free reply or to private message me if you like.

Hi mate, this is the firast thread ive seen thats made me want to post on lol!

Im from the uk and BD products are all over the place here, ive personally used their prop, tren, nand phenyl, equip, and they are all fantastic, very clean and work very well. some one tested their tren and equipose i will try and find the thread and post the link. Anyway they both tested over dosed, the tren by about 30mg!

Hey Thanks for replying bigdave, I was beginning to think no one had heard of what I was talking about. Yeah I've seen their products just com onto the market lately and I had never heard of them, and they sell Tren and I cant even begin to go into how many fake bottles of Tren are out there. Thanks for the post I'll check out the link and now I'll probably be sampling their goods in the near future as well ;)
Wow great info! I like the lab test on the brit's site.
nothing says quality gear like a like a high pressure liquid gas chromatograph test and a photodiode array :D

"EQ is practically bang on"
I also love how the thick British accent comes through even the text :thumbsup:

Some of these products are definately going into my next cycle.

Thanks Yall <---Texas