Unusual bulking cycle? What do you think?


New member
Here's my story: I'm a skinny fucker. I mean, real skinny. I'm 6ft and 137lbs on a good day. Once, when I was in the hospital, the nurses were all freaking out because I was only 60% of my ideal body weight. They kept sending me milkshakes. People used to tell me "Dude, when you turn 30 your metabolism will change and you'll get fat." Well, I'm 32 now and there's no signs of change.
Don't get me wrong; I think I am pretty strong for my size. I rock climb, SCUBA dive, and am working on climbing all the big mountains here on the beautiful west coast o' america.

Here's my goal: I'm not looking to be a pro bodybuilder. I do, however, want to put on ~20lbs or so of *quality* muscle. I am very much looking for quality over quantity. One big problem I have is remembering to eat. Some days I go 'til afternoon before I realize I haven't eaten anything. So, I'm thinking a try at gear, paying close attention to my diet and a solid workout routine for a cycle might start putting me in the right direction.

I don't have the best of sources, but here's what I've got to work with:
10X SUS250
100X 5mg Dbol
2X 100mg/ml Deca (yeah, I know it's not much... maybe I should hang on to it)
Plenty of Clomid
Plenty of Tamoxifen

I suspect I am prone to gyno, so I'll use the Tamoxifen throughout.

Feel like suggesting a cycle for me? What are your thoughts on more aerobic workouts (more reps, lower weights, and, say, running a few miles a day). I know such a workout routine means less of a gain, but does it mean more quality muscle I can keep?

Thanks all!
Don't really understand what you mean by "quality muscle" Muscle is muscle.
before you jump into the sauce, get your diet in order and get to the gym. If you just eat, exercise and rest, you'll put on weight. If you don't do these things, AAS aren't going to magically put 20 lean pounds on you.
If you want to put muscle on, low weight/high reps are not the best route. Lift heavey weight. Something that you can't do more than 8 or so reps with. Remember to use a weight that allows you to use good form though. Simply swinging weights around isn't what you want.
As for your on-hand supplies. Be more specific as to what amounts you have. 2x sust 250.... 2 amps? 2 10 ml vials? 20ml vials?
Now, welcome to the board, glad you joined and posted! GO EAT!!! LOL
thanks thanks, solid advice. Part of my reasoning on trying gear was that it would help me eat. I've made many strong efforts to eat lots, but I just can't stay with any diet.... it feels as though it's an offense to my body.
Aren't many ASs prescribed for wasting sydrome? Won't they make me feel like eating? I've even tried THC-- but it's just not my thing.

More specific on supplies: 10 1ml amps of sus250 (250mg of mixed test esters)
All solid advice, I would definitely hold off on the gear for awhile and read up, ask questions, eat and train for awhile.

Good Luck

I have a problem with eating also...but not just normal eating I have trouble eating my 5,000 Cal's a day but I know what you mean....

trust me steroids are not the answer for you....and they are not going to make you eat....only you can make you eat...but the bad thing is you already have the gear so you are going to do it...but I wish you would not....listen to us we know from experiecnce....you will only put on maybe 8 lbs with what you have and the way you eat....hell you may not put on anything...

If you want I will help you with a diet that is made for a skinny guy....

you have to have some discipline....When you wake up you have to eat....I bet you could go until 3 in the afternoon with out getting hungry....I used to be the same way...now I am at 230lbs and I am only 19.....my bf is still 9-10%.....

if you just eat you will grow.....go to the store and buy some food that you love and then make a plan on exactly what you will eat and when you will eat it.....I assure that you could put on 10lbs right away (1 1/2 months) or maybe 20lbs...you never knwo....

good luck...
weight77 speaks the truth

Take him up on his offer, your problem is one of caloric imbalance and you will gain far more by addressing this than taking gear at this stage.

At 6'0 I would wait until I have eaten my way to at least 220 lbs before I even considered gear.

I was a skinny kid when I started out, 67 kg at 6'0 tall (about 150lbs). Through 4 years of consistently eating like a madman and training hard I grew to 117 kg (255-260 lbs).

Yes I was fat and no I didnt look good but I then spent 6 months dieting and doing cardio and found myself at 90 kg (200 lb) and very lean (abs and separation in the legs). All of this was achieved with NO gear at all, I barely even knew what AAS was back then (we are talking 1980's).

Nett result: 23 kg (50 lb) muscle in 4.5 years all natural.

It was from this foundation that I commenced my journey with AAS usage but that is another story.

Go back to basics mate and take weight77 up on his offer to help you help with your diet.

Best of luck
