Does Fina Cloud Up?


New member
I made my first batch of tren last week and after running it through the Whatman, it looked crystal clear. This week, however, after looking at it, it appears a little more cloudy that before. I could be wrong, but is this common?

By the way, I never heated/baked it.
As long as you followed the instructions your fine. The BA and filtering will keep it clean. If you have any doubts you could always filter it again. I've seen mine appear a little cloudier before.
mine has clouded up on me after a few weekks even if I did incorporate baking in the process. Works the same though.
That's reassuring. Last night I had a horrible dream that my beautiful golden tren transformed back into that state when you mix the oil with the pellet gunk. It was horrible...LOL.
A little moisure (water) will cause oil solutions to cloud. Good thing you have the ba in there!