Clean Your Trash?!


New member
Ok, asking what the hell is TT talking about!? Ask yourself this question. If a DEA agent came and got your trash. From it would he be able to discovery that you were buying or using gear? Would he find pins, old lists, bottles, amps, cotton with blood on it, lots of bandages, shit like that? I was taking my shot while my workout partner talked to me about his cycle when he saw me put all the trash into a "special bag". Something I would then once full throw away in some dumpster somewhere. Be safe and clean your trash.

I save all my old and used materials to reflect back on my earlier days. Nothin' like looking at that bloody heap of rubbish in the bottome of my closet. No...

Someone had a great idea that I stole from this board. Use an empty laundry detergent bottle.
Its tough throwing those old empty vials of test tren winnie away
it be nice to have a show case and display them,but the emptys got to go..