Something I found browsing the web, very funny but sad at the same time


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About Steroids

AKA: roids

What are they?

Most people think of steroids as the stuff that people take to get more muscles. And some steroids do exactly that. But they also do a whole lot more, all of it not so pretty.

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Where do they come from?

Steroids are synthetic derivatives of the male hormone testosterone. The full name is androgenic (promoting masculine characteristics) anabolic (building) steroids (the class of drug). These derivatives of testosterone promote the growth of skeletal muscle and increase lean body mass. Anabolic steroids were first abused by athletes seeking to improve performance. Today, athletes and others abuse anabolic steroids to enhance performance and also to improve physical appearance. NIDA

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How are they taken?

Most steroids are injected with a needle, though some are taken by mouth.

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What do they do?

Steroids can in fact stimulate muscle growth (that is, if you're already working out like a maniac). But they also cause things like: Major acne, trembling, higher blood pressure, yellow skin, bloating, and liver problems. Also stunted growth and weaker tendons. Baldness, facial hair, and a deeper voice often develop. Irregular menstrual cycles and infertility are what females have to worry about, while the guys can look forward to a reduced sperm count and testicular shrinkage.

Over time, steroid use can cause serious violent behavior, delusions, paranoid jealousy, and bad judgment. This is the kind of stuff that can lead people to commit suicide or, in more extreme cases murder.

What are some of the stories and rumors you've heard about steroids? Share'em here.

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Who uses them?

All kinds of people use them, but it's mostly the guys. And for some reason, many people--users and non-users--think steroids aren't dangerous. Not true. Question anyone who offers or suggests steroids to you.
i think this chick just dated some guy who was already an asshole who happened to juice,lmao
damnit, if I could find who wrote that, I'd tear them to pieces... no, that's too good for them, I'd string them up... Oh crap, I'd better erase that... THEY are probably reading this, and they're going to come and get me! They know I know... Aaaagh, here they come!
Wow she must of busted her ass getting all that one sided info.......
everyone I know who uses steroids makes bad judgement calls. I mean they all stick up gas stations, murder innocent people and think about killing themselves all the time. Bad bad stuff.
I agree with Presser. You can't blame steroids for being an ass-hole. Its a lame-ass excuse.
more like 98% of the general public feel that way. maybe not that extreme, but you always hear the same bull shit.
Saks said:
everyone I know who uses steroids makes bad judgement calls. I mean they all stick up gas stations, murder innocent people and think about killing themselves all the time. Bad bad stuff.

That was supposed to be "our little secret"......thanks a LOT
GREAT-Now I have to start "working out like a maniac" and probably EAT LIKE AN ANIMAL before all that cool stuff happens to me....I want to turn a Yellowish color so I match my Green hair...Then a deeper voice and I can be the Hulks brother.
the bigger problem is this most ppl have no clue as to what steroids are, or even worse how they work. most ppl think all you do is shoot it in you ass and you grow muscles that is where all the comments about "steroid users " come from. like you hear someone say man that guy is big, then some one else will say hes on steroids. and then they are all like oh thats how he got big. like the juice was the only thing it takes. ppl who say these things have no idea what it takes to get big or use steroids correctly. the type of mind set, dedication, workout routines and diet needed to make it all work and I love it when ppl point out famous ppl who have died and the only thing they can say is it was steroids no one wants to hear the real story like it was a brain tumour or that the person was taking an insane amout of rec drugs and their heart stopped most people only want to hear what they want and think they know everything that there is about the subject a majority of people out there are just blind to the truth !
I used to think steroids was the 'miracle drug' too but never thought of it as a gateway to anything really serious. This was at a time when I didn't have any knowledge on AAS, either. There are risks in everything we do. As long as we know what we're doing and accept the risks, we will be alright.

Another case of the media blowing shit WAY out of proportion.
STEROID JUNKIES. Most people think steroids are intravenous drugs anyways, the american public is so stupid
jshoty said:
STEROID JUNKIES. Most people think steroids are intravenous drugs anyways, the american public is so stupid

Some dipshit at our gym was bragging about how he USED to juice, and how he would stick the needle full of test right into his vein and shoot away...........don't try this at home boys and girls
bigshug said:
Some dipshit at our gym was bragging about how he USED to juice, and how he would stick the needle full of test right into his vein and shoot away...........don't try this at home boys and girls

i honostly believe that most people think we are like heroin junkies or something