newbie questions


New member
can somebody explain?

drop sets ( i think i get these a little)
static (anybody do this actually?)

and other other rep techinques

plus is working out ur all ur muscle groups 2 times a week (6 day) to much? i hear u shouldnt work the muscle group more than twice?

and one more

how many sets should i do? i usually do 3 sets for big muslces like chest and 2 sets for small muscles like forearms. i see in this forum people do 5 + sets?

thanks for your help
im sorry if these are stupid questions..
A negative is a heavy slow recover the weight to the starting position. This “slow recovery” emphasizes the eccentric or negative contraction of the muscle group in question. An eccentric contraction is a lengthening of the muscle as it contracts. Opposed to a concentric contraction, the shortening of the muscle as it contracts. In an eccentric contraction the muscle, from a physics standpoint is doing negative work

Drop sets are nothing more than one long set that reduces the load as the lifter fatigues.
Static contraction is where subjects statically held heavy weights (without any up and down movement) in their strongest range but without being "locked out".
A pyramid's idea is to increase the weight on each successive set while dropping the number of reps accordingly
By the way welcome, the questions are fine. I only train each muscle group once a week. If I do chest I do 3 exersises for 3 sets.
welcome, and scorpio has you covered

notice how he took a post to answer each question.
oops for some reason i looked at that wrong and read pudgy as the name, you need to stop chaning you avatar, it's confusing me.