where to find the nutrition facts


New member
Every time i go to look for the nutrition facts of miscilaneous items, such as jagermeinster, vodka, slim jims, beer, and other things that would just crush my diet, i can't find them, a buddy of mine said that there is a web page where you can find the facts on just about everything under the son, anyone know of anything like this.
Bignick said:
Every time i go to look for the nutrition facts of miscilaneous items, such as jagermeinster, vodka, slim jims, beer, and other things that would just crush my diet, i can't find them, a buddy of mine said that there is a web page where you can find the facts on just about everything under the son, anyone know of anything like this.

aaaaahhh, don't be silly.....

all of the items you listed are perfectly OK for a contest diet...EAT UP!!!