Lipostabil and its effects on combatting gyno


Staff member
Lipostabil sounds real real promising as a fat burner as it has been used for 15 yrs now with great success in other countries but I wonder if it might help with the fatty tissue that makes up GYNo? maybe in its early stages or even in gynos ladder stages where the lumps are denser? Either way I would love to try it on other parts of my body but i wouldnt mind finding out about its effects on gynos fatty tissue
Interesting theory. I wonder to what extent this stuff has been applied?
Gyno tissue is made up of adipose tissue and macrofiberal scar tissue. If you were to inject Lipostabil into one of these structures and it does disolve the adipose tissue you wold be left with a thick bundle of scar tissue. This has the potential to be more painfull
but wouldnt the lump be smaller since the adipose tissue was dissolved thus having less visibla gyno? I understand that the hard scar tissue might not get dissolved by the lipostabil but the other tissue will, so just maybe it will yeild a reduction in bitch tits appearance????? maybe??? you nevr know??? right??? please say im right or its a possibility,lol
It is possible but you would have more pain because scar tissue has a tendency to accumulate nerve budding making it more sensative.