Update on Needle law in Cali


New member
There is a bill sitting on Gov. Davis's desk as we speak. This bill would authorize a licensed pharmacist to sell or furnish 30 or fewer hypodermic needles or syringes to a person for human use without a prescription. This bill is a modified version of the one that Davis vetoed last year. The bill number is 774.

You can track the progress of the bill at:

just enter "774" where it says "bill number"
It didnt say how often you can buy needles. however, if the purchase is anonymous, im sure some people will buy from one store on day 1, and then walk across the street to another pharm and purchase again on day 2.
lwgy said:
It didnt say how often you can buy needles. however, if the purchase is anonymous, im sure some people will buy from one store on day 1, and then walk across the street to another pharm and purchase again on day 2.

I think it depends on if it's anonymos or not. If so, yeah, how could they regulate???

If it's not, I'm almost sure they'll have a 25-30 day wait peroid.