cyb-sol tamoxifen


New member
Can someone tell me what liquid the tamoxifen is in? Is it safe for my cow to take orally :D I mean I assume that it is but I just received and it smells like it's dissolved in isopropyl or something like it. Just want to make sure I'm not missing something here - after smelling it I just want to make sure I don't poison my cow - by the way, cyb-sol was very fast and professional to deal with.
I believe is is constituted with Everclear. Your cow's will be fine, but mine hated the taste. I mixed mine in a shot of orange juice and my cow thanked me for it !!!!!
p.s. Stuff worked out great in my research !! Good product.
Wow u guys all have cows?? I give my stuff to my cat... You should see her in the last few weeks. She has gotten huge!
I would guess you'd give your bull somewhere in the range of 20-40mg/day to prevent it from getting gyno and/or help it's balls recover post cycle.