ASS-SA-X: Who has tried it or knows of it?


New member
From the web site:
Current research has shown it has fat burning properties and opposed to just burning fat through shrinking the fat cell it actually causes white adipose tissue apoptosis --(kills fat
cells) both site specifically and systemically and is
dosed at 40-100mcg/ED There are NO side effects, looking for more researchers to try this scientific project and test it as well as expanding already known knowledge on it and analyze the outcomes. Not for human use.

The web site:
*** Edited out by LA, because it conflicts with a sponser now carrying the same product. Hope you understand TT ***

Wanted to see if anyone has tried it or knows anything about it.
Thanks bros.

yes its lipostabil. lots of reading on lipostabil onthe web. it is supposedly good stuff. i have my reservations , i want to know about sides.
how many shots a day? how would u shoot it in your stomach in my questions?
I've also read 1 mcg for every kilo of bodyweight. That would be over 250 mcg's for me each session! Does anyone know how many mg's or mcg's per ml in Lipostabil? I'm interested in trying some for spot reduction.
It looks like Lipostabil contains 250 mg per 5 ml and the German brand contains 300 mg per 5 ml.
This info is found on the zipmed site:

"What is the procedure to apply Fosfatidilcolina?
Weekly applications:
Mix: 5 ml. of 300mg Fosfatidilcolina;
2 ml. of 700mcg Tiratricol;
2 ml. of Procaine 2%

Total mix: 9 ml. divided into 16 different points of 0.55 ml. each.
For this amount, we suggest a treatment in 16 separate points for the application at the patient's discretion. The distance between each point should be 2 cm each."