What do you think of this cycle? What would u do different?


New member
Here is what to do to get big, follow it and watch yourself grow.
Lets start with nutrition:

Food makes you big, at least good food does:
Here is what you do.

0600: 5 egg whites, 1 scoop whey, 1 cup oatmeal, 1 banana, multi vitamin, 5 grams glutamine.
0830: 2 cans of tuna, 1 cup white or brown rice, 8 oz milk, 5 grams glutamine.
1100: 12 oz lean meat, large bowl of pasta
1330: 12 oz lean meat, 1 cup of cooked vegetables (minimal carbs before you train ) 5 grams glutamine
1530: train
1700: Big serving of weight gainer with milk, 10 grams glutamine, vit C & E.
1830: 2 cans tuna, 2 large baked potatoes, 1/4 cup white or brown rice.
2100: 2 eggs whites, 1/2 scoop whey, 1 banana, 5 grams glutamine.
2200: go to bed.
Set alarm for 0230: Drink half serving of weight gainer with 1/2 scoop of whey when it goes off, then go back to sleep.
12 week prohormone cycle:
AD = AndrosteDerm
ND = NorAndrosteDerm
STD = Split Twice Daily

Week 1: 1ml AD 1ml ND split twice daily with AST 4-diol 250 when you wake up, 30 min before you train, at bed time
Week 2: 1ml AD 1ml ND split twice daily, same with AST
Week 3: 2ml AD 2ml ND std, AST nor-250 3x
Week 4: 2ml AD 2ml ND std, AST nor
Week 5: 3ml AD 3ml ND std, AST 4-d250
Week 6-10: 3ml AD 3ml ND std, AST both
Week 11: 2ml AD 2ml ND std, AST both
Week 12: 1ml AD 1ml ND std, NO AST
Beginning week 10 Eclipse2000 Clomitrol for 4 weeks.
Beginning after week 12 Zinc Magnesium Aspartate for 60 days.
Beginning week 12 Creatine 20 grams/day for 4 weeks on, 1 off, 4 weeks on.
Post cycle weeks 10-13 take nothing except your Multi-Vitamin and Protein.
week 14 repeat.
Do hardly zero cardio, train hard, stretch, sleep every chance you get
Are you doing 1 - AD as a cycle..I dan't understand you...If you wanna really grow then save some money for real food...1-AD is bullshit compared to real stuff..I don't know your diet looks fine, I like that you wake up in the middle of a night getting protein and weight gainer in your system - very good.....man you write too much in codes :D don't forget the cycle I told you about..With a diet like that, and hard lifting you can put easily 30 to 35lbs in a short amount of time. But I would still do CARDIO 2x a week to keep the heart rate up, and no matter how clean you eat you'll get some fat.. And just because you're starting to eat right and lift, you wanna be lean as much as possible....