clen dosage from cyber


New member
How much clen should my animal ingest (with juice?) per day, how many times per day, for how long?

thanks to basskiller for this

How to measure Liquidclen (Clenbuterol) - 120mcg/ml (1 bottle equivalent to 48 2.5mgs pills

eye dropper form
each drop is 2.14mcg of liquidclen (Clenbuterol)

M-40mcg 18 drops
T-60mcg 28 drops
W-80mcg 37 drops
T-100mcg 46 drops
F-120mcg 56 drops 0r 1 ml
S-120mcg 56 drops 0r 1 ml
S-120mcg 56 drops 0r 1 ml

(**NOTE: this is for research purposes only**)
you can follow that outline and guage your sides and adjust up or down from there, clen can give good headaches and not to mention pretty sigificantly noticable shakes. If this doesnt suit you at the maximum normal dosage you can still reap benefits from a lesser dose .
my 1st time useing it i ramped up from 40mcg - 120mcgs in the 1st week in the 2nd week i went to 120mcg - 240 mcgs. The head was not feelling that great but some aspiren took care of most of it. the shakes went awy after the 3or 4th day. make sure you drink plenty of water or you will cramp up like a mother f-er. i lost over 6lbs in 2 weeks and i was not on aas. :D
I read on a post that it is best to do clen 1 week on 1week off. It said if you do two weeks on and 2 off. You will crash pretty bad. What do you guys think about this.
I have used tabs for two weeks straight, no problem. Think you need to go longer than a week to get results.

Thanks everyone for your repsponses.