For newbies thinking of there first cycle


New member
Hello friends,
In my studies I have decided on my first cycle, with the help of some great folks on here.A manth ago while on another board a man said" if you are still making gains naturally, why would you want to do a cycle?"....Well I gotta say, I didnt know the answer..So I studied more and went to the gym after 10 yrs off...I couldnt lift my old bench working weight 3 times!..My arms were shaking and I was embarrassed. Well I would wait till knobody was looking and I'd lower the weight and do my sets...I'd come home and study AS more....I could not squat 150 lbs strictly for 10 reps..It was on and off..a little discouraged and I'd miss days..I kept thinking of how powerfull I used to be and I weighed 15lbs less!..Well I said fuck this man! I quit making excuses and reverted to my old self..not the "oh I guess I have to go to the gym today..this sucks" attitude I had...I would think of nothing else BUT THE GYM!!It will be four weeks or so Since that day...NEW GUYS! LISTEN!!== I can now squat 290lbs!!!! for 10 strict reps! I have added 50lbs to my working bench weight!!! I do not think my arms have been this hard before and everyday that I go to the gym I add weight and improve..No bad for a month hu?
What did I do?..When I did chest, I didn't hold the bar and worry....I I tried to squeeze juice out of it and powered that son of a bich!..till failure at 8-10 reps...NOW YOU MUST BE HONEST! if you know you can lift more put it on!..You have to did deep...on my last set of curls I may be stuck halfway up..I'll try for a solid 30 se43conds to get that damn thing up, I ain't swingin either I have perfect form man..I look nuts to everyone in there because my eyes are buggin, my forehead vein is freakin out and I'm blowin snot bubbles every were.Sometimes I cant do it..After I canot walk around cause the pressure of standing has my arms or shoulders burning like there on fire..The worst pain i have ever felt in a gym..I put the credit on creatine And a violent work ethic....OH YES!!! I never did dead's before, Thought they were too hard..I now do 300lbs a 140lb increase in a month..LOL sounds like I was never have (YET!!) I think what held me back was my own mind...Lyle sankey (2time nfr qualifier) my old bullriding teacher would say "Stop fighting yourself!" I didnt understand and learned nothing...Went back and was injured in my wrist for not being there...8 bulls later He called me up and gave me the meanest sob in the arena..He was looking at me dissmisively and kindof made me feel small..This bull began to buck in the chute and was leaning on my leg and It kind of fealt like if he moved it would break..He moved , it didnt, he made me mad..I determined to try to crush his ass and nodded...Well I gave him all I had and It was the best ride of my life...I have not rode since..I was verry proud and still am..The point is I believed I would do well and I tpook it to him Aand was victorious..You my fellow natural newbies are in a war..Don't fight yourself, you have eanough to worry about...Oh boy..What a ramble hu?, what you gain naturally will stay and help you lift heavyer weights when you do finally decide to do a cycle.I continue to gain and my wife is wringin her ass alot more and grabbin my arms all the time now..I want to thank those who told me to keep fighting trhe good fight and stay off till I plateau..This I will do.If I didnt wait, I may just look like I do now and it wouldnt be natural...LOL I'm gonna be Throwin some weight when I do wait till you stop gaining, believe in yourself, give it all the effort you can give and listen to your body..As bleed green said "Be the best that YOU can be" I certainly am workin on that..Take care and be safe!
Good read. I too am natty. Maybe someday I will cycle but then I have one of the good days in the gym and I put a cycle further and further back. It is all dedication and will power. Go for your goals and don't be afraid to get help if needed. Set goals and go get em.

No I have not hit the wall yet.My weight wants to go up but I am going to keep it at 175...I am sure my strength will stay were it is for a while and that is fine as I am growing well.I dont know why but I am responding exceptionally well now.I am 33 so mayby that is it..I feel it is realy a factor of continually trying to up the weight and being honest with my body..If my shoulder feels eaven kind of funny, I will not work that area.I will wait another day..Not sore, mind you, But funny in the joints..Yea this is alot of fun, take care
Sounds like you have a good thing going, I can tell it feels great to be back making improovements. Keep up the good effort.

Eat like an animal
Train like a man possesed
Rest like a baby

Grow like a mutant
Eat like an animal
Train like a man possesed
Rest like a baby

Grow like a mutant

LOL that is 100% good advice value .