homemade lipostabil question


MC Vet
How much phosphatidylcholine is in each ml of lipostabil??? and what is the common doseage?

if one were to make there own what would you suspend it in, water?

from what i've read there is 300mg/5ml of phosphatidylcholine in each vial.
I got no clue I guess BW, but we all know I hate making water based solutions, maybe it would work in oil.
I doubt it's based in oil, but I could be wrong. I figure its some sort of water based substance. I just wish I knew what mg/ml it is because I can find a way to dissolve it. I can get pure phosphatidylcholine super cheap and would like to make my own lipostabil. If anyone has any info that might be of some benefit posting it would be greatly appreciated,,,thanks,,,bigjosh
your not catching me there is 300mg in 5 ml in an amp. You use all 5ml at one time weekly, spreading it out over 10 injecting sites about 2-3cm apart, inject .5 ml in each one.

so when you make it you put 300mg in 5 ml or that would break down to 60mg/ml
lol thought you might have been having a brain fart