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By definition one exersize is a pulling movement (dead lift) and the other is a pressing movement (Squat).Rugby is right, even though the muscles stressed are different the entire body is used in both lifts. Both are needed to grow LARGE.
squats are the best, but deads can help your lats, and are crucial
for lower back develpment

i love squats more though
Excellent Question!

My training differs from many a lifters because over the years I have learned what works for me.
I can tell you what I do and did and why!

I used to deadlift from the ground , good results with strength.
Full squats good results with strength . However I could not do legs folloed by back or vise versa and If I deadlifted heavy and tried to squat within 3 days my lower back would feel it in a bad way and also my glutes and hamstrings . What was happening to me was this. I would deadlift heavy and then two days later I would squat, the glutes hamstrings and lowerback are all major componants in the beggining of the deadlift and also in the begining of the positive part of the squat rep. So with me over the period of a couple months my progress in size was not what I expected. Hence from over training. I was stimulating some of the same major muscle groups within two days and I do not recupe so fast. So instead of giving up on one of the excersises I made some adjustments.

First I would squat first in the week then my next workout would be chest then day off then I would do Back and instead of doing full deadlifts I would do partial deadlifts from just under the Knee caps using a squat rack, what the partial does is it doesn't put as much stress on the glutes or hamstrings or thighs ( there is still some stimulation but it is no where near the amount from going from the ground. I have found that by doing the partials I am more able to focus on my back I amable to tense my back completely befor I begin the lift. You will also be able to lift a heaveir weight because you are not going from the floor. I will say that since I made this adjustment in my training both my legs and back have made nice improvements. I also will add that 3 months out of the year I change my traing up and will do full deadlifts but will not squat during this time but will do higher reps with my legs eg. I will superset 20 reps of leg extentions with 20 reps hacksquats , etc. .. It all depends on your goals. The last bit I will say is all the major movements should sometime throughout the year be implemented into your training the better bb and weight lifters know how and when to add them into there scheme and most of the time it is there body's that dictate when to do so.

For the most part my traing looks like this:
Mon: Legs
Tues: Chest/ bicepts/abs
Wed: OFF
Thu: Back
Frid: Shoulders/ tricepts/ abs
Sat: Off
No matter what you decide to do always be conscouse of overtraining, I would rather under train then over train!
Good luck