Body weight


Hardly a Newbie
I think im never gonna weigh my self again. I get stronger week by week, weight keeps goin up. But i cant put size on. Ive decide to start to cut a lil. Im 6'3" and well i go to weigh my self im 235, thats mayb 3 lbs in the last 2 months

This is stupid i can guess my weight every time i step on the scale. Screw the scale im just gonna go on how i look and feel.

Anyone else just go by mirror?
I do. I don't worry about the scale. Ther's so much fluctuation from day to day with water, sodium, etc especially while the animal is experimenting. A couple of lbs one way or the other doesn't matter to me anymore. I used to drive myself crazy. Much better this way for me.
yeah im more concerned with how my clothes fit, and how i look naked than the actual amount on the scale.
I always go by the scale..The scale will never lie.. I mirror. I always weight my self at the same time every 10 days. Different mirrors can make you look bigger than you are or smaller. I can understand the mirror only thing. I only do the scale in the off season and around contest time or about 3 weeks out I only go by the mirror....