SpanishFly & Petite


New member
SpanishFly & petite

Please post your abb routine and sticky it. I think it would be great for us with no abbs (well me) to know what you guys do. I know DIET is the main.... but any tips or advice.

As you can see in my pics I have none..... my diet is my main issue but I am working on that.....

Im sorry~ this is reffered to them ladies I have not seen many of the ladies on here yet so please dont think I am saying you dont have great abbs or get offended... I am speaking for me :) :)
Any tips you have as well will be greatly appreciated!!

I absolutely love this exercise!!And these:

I also do regular crunches on the ground.
Hanging leg raises.
I use the decline bench for crunches along with the medicine ball and twist side to side, or I throw it to my partner--they burn nice!!

I use the nautilis ab machine as well. I just keep working my abs, everyday....I let them BURN!!!
I really don't have a set routine.

The best exercise for me that brought out my abs is, hanging leg raises. First off do them normal with knees bent and then each side. Then, the best one is hold you legs out straight with knees slightly bent and bring your legs all the way up have someone help bring them up. Then, SLOWLY bring your legs down. It's the negatives that will hit your abs the most. It's the same exercise that Janet Jackson does. Works!! Trust me! ;)