I am a protein ho - a place for confesional


New member
I'll admit it. I live for protein. 500g, 600g, 700g a day!

It's beginning to effect my life. I seem to be getting constantly bigger. People are being to stare. Clothes don't fit. My skin turns green and I begin to double in size from just one more shake. I have the urge to break into GNC and steal all the Nitro-tech.

Do I need help?
Hello, my name is Kiss and I am a protein ho. I never thought I had a problem until my friends and family confronted me and told me I had a problem, and of course I denied it.
There were many times I would call in sick to work just to get my protein fix., I even sold one of my siblings to get some protein. It was to the point where I was starting to scare women and children because of the size I gained as a result of my addiction. I just thank God I have had the strength to allow me to overcome this disease. :drooling: :thumbsup:
Come on, I'm not the only protein ho here. Let's hear some more confessionals!
There seems to be cattle mutilations in the area. Fortunately, aliens are being blamed.
i am also a protein ho

When you have a stack 5 lb buckets of protein through out the house. When you eat pancakes but htere protein pancakes you have problems, when you add choc to your oatmeal to get more protein durning breakfast you have issues

When you have to have that schwartz labs strawberry shake b4 bed or you feel sick in the morning, IM A PROTEIN HO
Hello Group !

My name is shiko24,
and I am a pro-ho too
it started off small just a protien shake here and there after a while I had to have one at every meal then is was with meals and late at night and some times even in the middle of the night, I would get up just to subside the craving but I new I had a problem when I started sneaking protien shakes in to movies and bought a small fridge to put beside my bed with a gallon of milk and a 5lb bucket of powder hell I am even snorting the shit it is like a vicious cycle I work to make more money to buy more protien to get bigger to work more to buy more protien ! when will it ever stop ! please I need help !

Yes i have a problem also I wake up in the middle of the night
sweating and craveing a root beer float protein shake gotta have
I don't have a problem at all...I could stop anytime if I wanted to.
I too am a protien Ho.....Unlike you others I am in the advanced stages though, which means there is no hope for me. I am not merely satisfied with processed protien which you might find in powders or other food items. I must get my protien fresh and straight from the source. I eat entire people in order to satisfy my needs. Mostly homeless people that no one would ever miss. But sometimes I snatch up a kid or an old person just for a snack. I feel no shame since I eat the entire person, nothing goes to waist. I am not like these serial killers who do it for what ever deranged reason, I do it to survive.
Badgermoon said:
I don't have a problem at all...I could stop anytime if I wanted to.
This coming from a man with a protein supplement company in his sig line!