Does any chemical actually "eat away" at glandular breast tissue (gyno)? Proof please


New member
I've tried an failed many times. God damn deca, a50 and fina have got me with about 150 grams of glandular tissue under my right nipple and about 100 grams under my left; if I had to guess. I can take letro, arim, nolva, clomid and even DHT all I want and it just takes away puffiness and not the actual hard tissue. I've heard yohimbine HCL (tired it but gave up quickly) might and what about the new ASS-SA-X I'm hearing about that nonconsumbles.whatever has?
It'd be interesting to see what lipostabil does (I think that's the ASS-SA-X you are talking about)... it's available from a board sponsor,
what is ass-sa-x??? sorry if im an idiot here but im not familiar with this stuff, what is it and what does it do, and what is it made of
Also i would try the lipostabil on the fatty gyno tissue, it cant hurt right, and if it works then this is better then i thought it was originaly, i know it destroys fat cells amazingly but would love to see a study done on gyno tissue soon
Remo you should try to email lab-corp and ask them about it. It doesn't look like anyone has tried what you want.

If you get an answer post it back it here to let everyone know.