does zinc boost test levels


Hardly a Newbie
Conte stumbled across the fact that zinc boosts testosterone levels if taken before sleep, promoting muscle growth and healing. Athletes interested in that anabolic kick drew close, and Conte was quick to embrace the dual role of frontier researcher and guru. He expanded his analysis techniques well beyond cataloging trace minerals. By 1998, Conte wrote on his website, BALCO's tests on bodybuilder Flex Wheeler included "blood chemistry, complete blood count, anabolic hormone levels." He gave interviews to the likes of Testosterone magazine, where he talked the musclehead jargon of cholesterol/HDL ratios and IGF-1 levels. And he actively sought new clients. At bodybuilding meets he hawked free workups in exchange for competitors' blood.
I read an article about this also. They say if you suffer from low test to try zinc directly before bed. Also the efect can be noticeable in the mornings. If you catch my drift.
i know there not low, im like an animal in the sack, isnt that a sign of low test u have trouble in that dept
Low zinc can be a cause/contributor to low test. Not a booster. ZMA is therefore a real crappy supplement unless you give it to a bunch of overtrained athletes (test depressed) and then do a study on them showing test levels were raised.
LA so your saying, for people who over train its a good suppliment. but for people who dont, might as well throw your money down the drain if your using it
footballcat said:
LA so your saying, for people who over train its a good suppliment. but for people who dont, might as well throw your money down the drain if your using it
Actually, what I'd say is to not overtrain in the 1st place!
The problem I have with ZMA is you need to take it at bedtime on a empty stomach - I think there is more value in a Protein Drink at bedtime than ZMA.
You need zinc to maintain propper test. balance. Athletes who sweet a lot lose a lot of zinc. Therefore if you have a deficiency in zinc taking a zma supplement would help your test levels.
Studies support the use of zinc supplementation in the treatment of low sperm count especially in the presence of low testosterone levels. Both sperm count and testosterone levels rose in men with initially low testosterone levels. Zinc status should be evaluated in men with decreased serum testosterone levels. [Nutrition Report, September-October, 1996;14(7): p.52]
I read that a person can take too much zinc with harmful effects. The hype from the ZMA ads suggest it does work.
Go to Beverly International website they have studies and in fo on ZMA. I dont think you have to have low test for it to work according to the research I have done on the various sites.
A site which I at least believe to be a neutral, informational and not a selling or promotional site is:
I e-mailed them about the studies on ZMA and I got an email back quickly indicating that ZMA boosts testosterone on : low, depleted or even normal levels of zinc in people. They ALL boosted their testosterone. I use it.
dear football cat, the zinc craze is just like all the other shit, supplimenting vitamins, if you can't go to the grocery store and buy a lot off good food and eat a well balanced diet, yes zinc might help you, but if you eat a ballanced diet and a lot of protein, zinc wont do shit, yull be pissing you money away man,

ZMA and Dynadroll and all products like this CAN NEVER substitute for the real thing bro.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................JUICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE