Why this Lifestyle?


New member
whats the reason that you got into lifting weights/health/fitness? and why do you still do it? or are you only doing it when you feel guilty?

just want some members input on this....
I started to get bigger and loose some weight for football pretty soon I quite football and started competing in BBing. Now I just do it so I can be big and scary. I just found a sport that I acceled at now it's just somthing I do like sleeping and eating. Part of my everyday routine.
I was very overweight when I was young. So I started working out and now I'm addicted to the lifestyle
cause i was tired of being a 110lbs squirt,....

FYI i put on rughly 60lbs in the last 2½ years or so!
i started with fooseball too

when i started playing i was in grade 10 and prolly only 120 lbs. on my first year i started on the varsity team consisting of 80%seniors, all with overactive glands (they were fuckin huge!) there i am starting on the corner, backup QB, and both special teams just because of my ability and speed (i ran the 40 yard dash in like 4.3) speed helped with pass coverage but when it came to tackling i had a disadvantage and thus decided to get huge. my lower body came first and fast, 28' at the peak of my quad(i have the stretch marks to prove it) my upper body is slowly coming though. my coach was a real hard-ass and made all the players start lifting, even if they hated it (which i do)

man i really write long posts!! maybe i should be an author!
I really started in college where I played football and weight workouts were mandatory-In the 15 years since then it is something that has become part of my life(lifestyle) I also credit working out with giving me the ability to play competative sports at a very high level even at age 36
I quit working out after highschool and got fat in college. I hated it so I did somthing about it. I never thought I would actulally ever want to gain weight haha but I do now. Iwent from 5'9 230 bf high to 175 bf approx 11.9 % bulked to 194 now I am 184@ 11.5%bf. Its damn addictive, I like girls giving me looks I like guys bieng enveous, I like people in the gym refering to me as Schwarzenegger (even though Im no where in the same ball park). What can I say Im shallow.
I'd have to say it was because I was the typical 90lb weakling, going into high school as a 98lb freshman. So I got into lifting in my sophmore year and have not stopped since (24 yrs later).
I got sick of looking fat and sloppy. I have had many ups and downs in my weight lifting career. I'm finally back on the up swing of things and I hope to stay that way. It's great getting compliments and it's also great being able to shrug more weight for reps then most people can bench press, squat, or dead lift. lol.
My entire family is fat. I was fat. It's college and the competition for ladies and attention is fierce. Well, I'm not fat any more. And I'm 3 times stronger than before working out. Still all natural. At least I can take off my shirt and not be embarrassed (yea, I got that back hair thing taken care of)
I played basketball in col. Was in great shape. I blew my knee out then got fat over a year or two. After my second knee surgery I was told to continue training my legs so I would have a better chance of not hurting them again after therapy. So I joined a gym to do leg work and continue my leg therapy on my own. So I was going to a gym 3 days a week and just did legs(haha) Until One of my buddy's pointed out that there were more things in the gym than leg exercises to do. So I started other body parts. Got into power lifting. Did this for a few years. Then got tired of people not knowing I lifted weights. I was strong but looked like shit.:( So about 2 years ago I started looking into bb. Over the last year I started getting more serious with this. I finaly lost 45 lbs and 5 % bf. I havent lost any strenght;) So I have a aim to compete in a show sometime next year. Or 1.5 years. I use this and other boards trying to learn the right course to follow to achive this goal.
Something you can control

I like it because it is a part of my life that I have some control over. In so many areas things happen and we react to them. With fitness and BBing YOU make things happen and your body reacts to your inputs.

The science behind it is very interesting - kind of like living out an experiment, plus as you get older it is very rewarding to physically look like you are younger than you really are.

I also enjoy the challenge and dedication that it requires. Keeps you from getting sloppy and lazy in life.
Did it to get girls but that was years ago. I do it now for me. None of my friends workout and tease me and such, but someone has the be the swole guy in the group so it might as well be me.
KidRok said:
I'd have to say it was because I was the typical 90lb weakling, going into high school as a 98lb freshman. So I got into lifting in my sophmore year and have not stopped since (24 yrs later).

So after 24yrs of training how much do you weigh now?
i trained naturally from 1985 to 1998...never gained a single pound, but i made some big strength gains...

i decided to take the plunge to pack on some more muscle...i was stagnant and going no where in my life...i wanted to do something to radically change my image...im very glad i did...guys respect me now and chicks dig me...
It chanels my self-destructive behavior into something positive.

It is also addicting, I remeber when I first starting lifting at 13yo, just going thou the motions with the plastic weight set you buy from Sears filled with cemnet. I was brushing my hair in the mirror one morning before school when I noticed my bicep peaks.