hey everybody


Master of His Own Universe
Nice lookin site we got here huh? seems like you guys are loaded with alot of info. Well let me introduce myself. I am 6 foot tall 190 -200 lbs, depending on how big of a shit i take that day, 6-10% bf. i love football, rugby and basketball, and i love to hit people. at the moment i am not a super serious lifter (though i wish i was) i just don't have the drive to get my ass off the couch when i am home, and my friggin girlfreind takes up alot of time (still love her, just want her to go....go far away!) Haven't had the pleasure of using juice before but i pride myself on having a nice amount of knowledge on the stuff for my age. i have helped some freinds through some cycles before and seen them acheive great results, i just need the funds for gear and the drive to lift. Maybe that is where a few of you guys can help me out-give me tips on determination, and maybe a few juice start-up techniques. thanks guys for reading the long post, and hope to get some good info.:)
welcome to the board bro. l

ifting and exercising is a lifestyle and has to be something that you make the decision to do. either you do it and achieve results or you half ass do it and get lucky if you see any long term results.
Welcome bro-But really you need to get the lifting down and especially the eating before gear will do any lasting good. Every body can get to the gym when they are jacked but to keep it you need to get there even when your done.
welcome bro, as for your questions look up some motivation quotes and post them on your walls to look at, put your goals on a piece of paper and put them where you can read them everyday, mine are on the bathroom mirror.
stay on the couch on gear and you will just get fat and unhealthy, but I think you know that. also, find a pertner to work out with, so when you dont feel like going have them motivate you and get you to go.
eat train and grow bro, and welcome here.
Welcome to MC brother. Kick off the old shoes and stay a while. Mi casa es su casa - but when it's you turn to but toilet paper you better not welch. I'm tired of paper towles...