Jintrophin gh conversion


New member
Have used the Euros...now starting the Jintrophin. There are 10 vials of 10 iu hgh and 10 amps with what measures 100 ius of water. Is all the water added to the gh in each vial making the solution 10-1 so 10 on the slin pin becomes 1 iu of reconstituted gh? Or is ther a specific amout of water to ba added?

Sorry for the stooopid question, just my first go round with this gh...
You can do it that way..Saizen brand Somatropin comes in 15 iu vials and I ad 3ml of BW 1ml =5iu

what ever is easiest for you to measure out your dose.

If you ad 1ml (100 ticks) of BW to each vial of 10iu, then every 10 ticks on the insulin pin would = 1iu of GH.... should be an easy number to read.